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Dressing Quotes

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Like at Halloween: I knew I’d arrived when I saw people dressing up on Halloween as my character.  (Dressing Quotes) I don’t believe in dressing up reality. I don’t believe in using makeup to make things look smoother.  (Dressing Quotes) There’s nothing sexy about doing a nude scene. It’s rather uncomfortable. I like dressing up rather than dressing down.  (Dressing Quotes) I love informality. I hate dressing up. I hate to be conventional - and I hate every kind of snob.  (Dressing Quotes) By far the best dressing up outfit I ever had was a wonderful pair of clown dungarees, which my Granny made.  (Dressing Quotes) I really believe that fashion, and dressing up, is a great way for guys to express and interact with their creativity.  (Dressing Quotes) I don’t really like dressing up. Some people probably think actresses dress up everywhere they go. I’m in sweatpants half the time with my hair in a ponytail.  (Dressing Quotes) I like costumes. I am always dressing up - I’m very English like that.  (Dressing Quotes) No one else on the team in college was dressing up. They were wearing sweats.  (Dressing Quotes) I always look forward to the holidays because I love dressing up in festive, shimmery evening dresses.  (Dressing Quotes) It’s not so much the dressing up, but I love the idea of moving and existing in a different time.  (Dressing Quotes) I don’t remember ever dressing up for Halloween but I must have. I do not like dressing up at all.  (Dressing Quotes) I have always enjoyed dressing up, but I don’t do it as often as I would want to, because it’s time consuming.  (Dressing Quotes) I’m very good at living out of a suitcase. I love dressing up every morning. It feels like a costume, in some ways.  (Dressing Quotes) I always had a love of music, from the time I was a little kid, dressing up and singing along with Michael Jackson songs.  (Dressing Quotes) Classified ads of the Ku Klux Klan: Tired of all the games? Do you like racial purity, horses and dressing up like a ghost?  (Dressing Quotes) Helping others pulls us out of our own problems. And so does dressing up like frogs and playing leap frog in a Starbucks. Who would’ve known.  (Dressing Quotes) I think that women don’t bother disguising their desire and pleasure in dressing up, and that men, for whatever reason, tend to be a little more embarrassed.  (Dressing Quotes) I love dressing up. I have people helping me with it. I am not going to take credit for that. I have a stylist, make-up and hair stylist.  (Dressing Quotes) I’m not some sort of tormented soul looking for an identity in the roles I take. I became an actress because I just love dressing up and playing.  (Dressing Quotes) At the end of the day, I know that I make my living by dressing up, fooling around, playing pranks and giving people a good time. I am enjoying the ride.  (Dressing Quotes) I love dressing up and doing the red carpet every once in a while, but I am very much a jeans kinda girl, so it’s all a little embarrassing for me.  (Dressing Quotes) I think every young girl at some point in her early life wonders what it’s like to be a princess. They like the idea of dressing up and the fun of it.  (Dressing Quotes) I don’t really consider myself to be a comedian. I mean, it’s not like I’m sitting around writing jokes or anything. I just like dressing up and pretending to be other people.  (Dressing Quotes) If you are a girl dressing up in the morning thinking about the whole world having a point of view on what you are wearing, it takes the pleasure out of getting dressed.  (Dressing Quotes) I certainly got the jokes within the joke, dressing up in a wet suit, sitting in a Twingo, scaling a rubber mountain, dressing up and stealing a diamond, of course. If not now, when?  (Dressing Quotes) I am a southern guy who likes dressing up and looking sharp but who lives a busy life of working and traveling, and I need reliable, stylish pieces in my wardrobe that will service multiple occasions.  (Dressing Quotes) I think I’d just like to get in a time machine and travel and never come back. The 20s would be an incredible place to be, dressing up in tuxedos with fancy cars. That sounds incredible.  (Dressing Quotes) If you are dressing up, then dress to the hilt, else let it go easy. But no matter what, pay attention to the nails. Whether you keep it short, long, varnished or plain, it has to look good.  (Dressing Quotes) Halloween has always been fascinating to me from a very young age. I think any actor would be fascinated by Halloween because it’s one of the only holidays that advocates dressing up in makeup and costumes and transforming oneself.  (Dressing Quotes)
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