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Dressing Quotes

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I love dressing up. But I’m very low-maintenance; the week before an event, I’ll choose something as quickly as possible and that’s that. If I can do my own hair and make-up, even better. I like it to be fun.  (Dressing Quotes) My first paid job was delivering newspapers. The first paid acting job I got was dressing up as Edam cheese and handing out leaflets on London’s Oxford Street. I got pushed over by these little herberts and given a good shoe-in.  (Dressing Quotes) The excellence of the mental entertainment consists less in the subject than in the author’s skill in well dressing it up.  (Dressing Quotes) Dressing well is a kind of good manners, if you ask me. When you’re standing in a room, your effect is the same as a chair’s effect, or a sculpture’s. You’re part of someone’s view, you’re part of that world, and so you should dress well. I find it’s a show of respect to try to put on your best face and look as good as you can.  (Dressing Quotes) People buy very badly made furniture and fabric. Instead, buy a beautiful dining table, well-made upholstery. It’s almost like dressing for success.  (Dressing Quotes) That feeling in the dressing room after you win - nothing comes close to that. You can’t get that in any other career. Maybe in the stock market back in the 80s when people were making tons of money, maybe they felt something similar. Maybe. But look at the market now. Nothing gives you that emotion like sports. Nothing. Am I wrong?  (Dressing Quotes) I can make dressing - or stuffing. Y’all call it stuffing up here, we call it dressing down there. It’s really good dressing. That family recipe was passed on, and I love to make that.  (Dressing Quotes) I love fast cars, loud guns and classic rock ‘n’ roll, but I’d never do any of it in flats. I love me a nice, big uncomfortable pair of heels and some big hair! Maybe it’s a Southern thing, but I love dressing up. It’s everything I can do not to leave the house in a goddamn prom dress every day.  (Dressing Quotes) I don’t think dressing has anything to do with numbers. I know people of 30 who act like they’re 97, and I have a few old-bag friends who are very hip.  (Dressing Quotes) I love dressing up, but I do find the red carpet thing quite stressful. When I went to Venice Film Festival last month to promote ‘Wuthering Heights,’ I told my boyfriend beforehand ‘I will be a nightmare, I will cry, I will be nervous.’ Actually once I was there, it was fine.  (Dressing Quotes) The fabulous side of Taboo was dressing up and dancing like no one was watching you. There were no rules. You had Jeffrey Hinton playing every kind of music. It was like going back to when I used to deejay at Planet in 79, where you’d mix in nutty things like hip-hop or reggae or The Sound of Music [1965] or other film soundtracks - whatever.  (Dressing Quotes) When I finish dressing before a night out and have put on all the accessories, I usually look at myself in the mirror long and hard and then end up removing something. Whether it’s a belt, bracelet or a bauble, less is always more.  (Dressing Quotes) It is a myth that style can’t be learnt. It’s all about dressing for your body shape, following the rules and wearing colours that suit your skin tone.  (Dressing Quotes) They say that women dress for other women, but I don’t think that’s entirely true. If we want to look flossy out-and-about on a Friday night, we’re dressing for the boys - and it’s nice when they notice.  (Dressing Quotes) They think I’m depressed because I look serious in photos. It’s usually because I’m just nervous. But I’ve stopped dressing for other people. If I think I look good, that’s the most important thing.  (Dressing Quotes) I eat ranch dressing with my pizza; I dip it in the ranch. It is so good! I know, I am really weird .  (Dressing Quotes) Writing good jokes requires effort. Think I’ll just start dressing funnier.  (Dressing Quotes) I think that The Great Gatsby has had some influence on contemporary dressing. I’m seeing more boyish haircuts and drop-waist sheath dresses.  (Dressing Quotes) Soft, sweet things with a lot of fancy dressing - that’s what a little boy loves to eat and a grown man prefers to marry.  (Dressing Quotes) I love fashion. I like dressing how I feel, and my music shows how I feel - they go hand in hand. My performance style is pretty much the same as my everyday style.  (Dressing Quotes) I’ve always been into dressing nicely. My dad’s really into fashion, also. We’ll always go out and buy stuff. He has his own style and I have my own style, but it’s a shared thing. Same thing with my grandfather; he was really into his style, so it’s just sort of been passed down, I think.  (Dressing Quotes) I’m not only passionate about dressing women and helping them feel and look their best, but also about helping to give a stronger voice to women and children in need around the world.  (Dressing Quotes)
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