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Dressmaker Quotes

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Time is a dressmaker specializing in alterations  (Dressmaker Quotes) I’ve faced worse than a dressmaker who breaths fire  (Dressmaker Quotes) The dressmaker doesn’t have problems unless the dress has to hide rather than reveal  (Dressmaker Quotes) Woman's first duty in life is to her dressmaker. What the second duty is no one has yet discovered  (Dressmaker Quotes) In real life I’m a poor dressmaker and a terrible cook, anything in fact but the perfect wife  (Dressmaker Quotes) Glamour is what makes a man ask for your telephone number. But it also is what makes a woman ask for the name of your dressmaker  (Dressmaker Quotes) When I say that I’m a businessperson and a dressmaker, it’s the truth. I run a business, and I make dresses, I make blouses  (Dressmaker Quotes) What’s important to a fashion designer? It’s much more than learning how to make clothes. In fact, that merely makes you a dressmaker. It doesn’t make you into a fashion designer  (Dressmaker Quotes) ... the time will come when no servant will be hired without a diploma from some training school, and a girl will as much expect to fit herself for house-maid or cook, as for dressmaker or any trade  (Dressmaker Quotes) I like fashion. My mum was a dressmaker, believe it or not, so the consequence of that was that all my clothes were homemade, and I looked like a terrible mess until I was old enough to buy my own. But I love good tailoring.  (Dressmaker Quotes) When I say that I’m a businessperson and a dressmaker, it’s the truth. I run a business, and I make dresses, I make blouses.  (Dressmaker Quotes) What’s important to a fashion designer? It’s much more than learning how to make clothes. In fact, that merely makes you a dressmaker. It doesn’t make you into a fashion designer.  (Dressmaker Quotes)