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Dribbling Quotes

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I dribbled by the hour with my left hand when I was young. I didn’t have full control, but I got so I could move the ball back and forth from one hand to the other without breaking the cadence of my dribble. I wasn’t dribbling behind my back or setting up any trick stuff, but I was laying the groundwork for it  (Dribbling Quotes) So, she tells me, the words dribbling out with the cranberry muffin crumbs, commas dunked in her coffee  (Dribbling Quotes) I like my sex the way I play basketball, one on one with as little dribbling as possible  (Dribbling Quotes) If you’re playing for five hours you don’t want to score goals all the time and I loved dribbling. I could score a goal, but I preferred to dribble  (Dribbling Quotes) Football is about joy. It’s about dribbling. I favour every idea that makes the game beautiful. Every good idea has to last  (Dribbling Quotes) I think each player has an individual style. Each is concerned with giving the best to his team, and I think my best talent is dribbling and setting up goal situations, giving an assist or deceiving one of the other team’s players  (Dribbling Quotes) No one runs fast without an extreme amount of training. Like today, you see kids walking around dribbling a basketball. I had a bag with track shoes in it, and I used to go to the track every day  (Dribbling Quotes) Football is about joy. It’s about dribbling. I favour every idea that makes the game beautiful. Every good idea has to last.  (Dribbling Quotes)