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Dries Quotes

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Nothing dries sooner than tears  (Dries Quotes) A tear dries quickly when it is shed for troubles of others  (Dries Quotes) Impatience dries the blood sooner than age or sorrow  (Dries Quotes) You can’t smear acrylics, you know, it dries too fast  (Dries Quotes) You know you are getting old when everything either dries up or leaks  (Dries Quotes) Nothing dries sooner than a tear  (Dries Quotes) Digital design is like painting, except the paint never dries  (Dries Quotes) Intellectual passion dries out sensuality  (Dries Quotes) Your voice dries up if you don’t use it  (Dries Quotes) A tear dries quickly, especially when it is shed for the troubles of others  (Dries Quotes) Love like rain, can nourish from above, drenching couples with soaking joy. But sometimes, under the angry heat of life, love dries on the surface and must nourish from below, tending to its roots, keeping itself alive  (Dries Quotes) I inherited good skin from my mother, and I stay away from soap, which dries it out  (Dries Quotes) Love dries up, I thought as I walked back to the bathroom, even faster than sperm  (Dries Quotes) Everything flows and nothing abides; everything gives way and nothing stays fixed... Cool things become warm, the warm grows cool; the moist dries, the parched becomes moist... It is in changing that things find repose  (Dries Quotes) I wish I’d been better able to resist the sense of obligation to write some of the poems I did. It’s in the nature of commissioned work to be written too much from the side of your mind that knows what it’s doing, which dries up the poetry  (Dries Quotes) Human kindness is like a defective tap, the first gush may be impressive but the stream soon dries up  (Dries Quotes) The clothes that fire up my emotions are colorful and different pieces. My eye still picks out gilded-cloque glamour from among Burberrys streamlined trench coats or a hand-printed coat from Dries Van Noten  (Dries Quotes) I used to hate my hair. Now I love it. I spend hours brushing my hair out after it dries. I love it when it’s big.  (Dries Quotes) Learn to fish (income), share your fish (community service), teach others to fish (multiply yourself). Then find another sidestream, with different fish (diversify income). And before THAT sidestream dries up, plant a garden (manage risk), like Thomas Jefferson (genius) would have done.  (Dries Quotes) Ingratitude is the soul’s enemy... Ingratitude is a burning wind that dries up the source of love, the dew of mercy, the streams of grace.  (Dries Quotes) When the money dries up, the sites die off. That’s the way to go after piracy.  (Dries Quotes) Human kindness is like a defective tap, the first gush may be impressive but the stream soon dries up.  (Dries Quotes) Throughout my 20s I spent a lot of time just playing and not really working, but fortunately for me I continued to get just enough work, and have a reason to wake up in the morning. I really empathize with some of my peers who had success in the early years then it dries up, and so there’s no reason to get up in the morning.  (Dries Quotes) I did some feature work, then tried TV. I was always very aware that the only power that you have is the power of options. If the film industry dries up, then you focus on the TV or the books. For me, it was always about what story do I want to tell next?  (Dries Quotes) When you’re creating a fragrance, you’re always thinking about what you want that first smell to be, that first reaction. It’s a sensation, like a symphony with all of those layers and notes. I love the way it changes and the way it dries down. The fun thing about scent is that it’s unique to everyone; pheromones take on a new scent.  (Dries Quotes) When inward life dries up, when feeling decreases and apathy increases, when one cannot affect or even genuinely touch another person, violence flares up as a daimonic necessity for contact, a mad drive forcing touch in the most direct way possible  (Dries Quotes) In diabetes the thirst is greater for the fluid dries the body... For the thirst there is need of a powerful remedy, for in kind it is the greatest of all sufferings, and when a fluid is drunk, it stimulates the discharge of urine  (Dries Quotes) Pride dries the tears of anger and vexation; humility, those of grief. The one is indignant that we should suffer; the other calms us by the reminder that we deserve nothing else  (Dries Quotes) Death is the gate of life. Ingratitude is the soul’s enemy... Ingratitude is a burning wind that dries up the source of love, the dew of mercy, the streams of grace. You will find something far greater in the woods than you will find in books. Stones and trees will teach you that which you will never learn from masters  (Dries Quotes) When the money dries up, the sites die off. That’s the way to go after piracy  (Dries Quotes)
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