Drive Quotes

Text Quotes
Being truly aimless is like being dead. It may even be the same thing, or worse. It is the aimless who find the wrong roads, and drive down them, simply because they have nowhere else to go (Drive Quotes)
You can do anything as long as you have the passion, the drive, the focus, and the support (Drive Quotes)
Charting is a little like surfing. You don’t have to know a lot about the physics of tides, resonance, and fluid dynamics in order to catch a good wave. You just have to be able to sense when its happening and then have the drive to act at the right time (Drive Quotes)
The very shape of our dreams defines us. We learn about the world and try out our thoughts and visions in them. Our dreams goad us and drive us and summon and sustain us and when we are old they comfort us. Magic is a kind of dream, and love is a dream, and hope is a dream. Without our dreams, there is no sweetness, no purpose to life (Drive Quotes)
I liked to drive by the clusters around the county and think about the women I placed there (Drive Quotes)
I don’t want money. What the hell’s money good for? You can’t drive it and you can’t eat it and it won’t even fix a flat (Drive Quotes)
Many people with jobs have a fantasy about all the amazing things they would do if they didn’t need to work. In reality, if they had the drive and commitment to do actually do those things, they wouldn’t let a job get in the way (Drive Quotes)
Writing fulfils an insatiable drive. Finishing the story satisfies my thirst. But I must keep drinking until the story quenches a buyer (Drive Quotes)
Everything is calm, happier, and less stressed. As soon as you drive into the park, it’s like you’ve entered an oasis (Drive Quotes)
The battle is not to the strong alone. It is to the vigilant, the active, and the brave. A small, disciplined militia can not only hold out against a larger force, but drive it back, because what they’re fighting for rightfully belongs to them (Drive Quotes)
Don’t lose sight of the fact that hip and legs drive the horse forward and the hands merely channel this power by gentle rein aids (Drive Quotes)
Inspiration, hunger: these are the qualities that drive good schools. The best we educational planners can do is to create the most likely conditions for them to flourish, and then get out of their way (Drive Quotes)
If you can learn to motivate yourself, you can always tap into an abundance of energy that will drive you to the success you dream of (Drive Quotes)
I will not stop. I will not slow down. I will not pull over to ask for directions. I will build the road that takes me where I want to be and I will drive, drive, drive. I will drive until the vehicle around me breaks down, falls apart and tumbles into useless debris... and then I will walk (Drive Quotes)
You make me smile like the sun, fall out bed, sing like a bird, dizzy in my head. Spin like a record crazy on a Sunday night. You make me dance like a fool, forget how to breath, shine like the sun buzz like a bee, just the thought of you can drive me wild. Oh you make me smile (Drive Quotes)
Although love unreturned can drive you to despair, trust that somewhere out there, someone is waiting just for you (Drive Quotes)
If you are a complete perfectionist, then the truth is that this ice skating business will drive you a little crazy! (Drive Quotes)
Organic chemistry just now is enough to drive one mad. It gives me the impression of a primeval forest full of the most remarkable things, a monstrous and boundless thicket, with no way of escape, into which one may well dread to enter (Drive Quotes)
I would compare it to an actor. I drive myself into the character that later on is in the ring (Drive Quotes)
A service culture doesn’t happen by accident. The company is always a reflection of the person at the helm. Their attitude, their values, and their commitment to service excellence will drive the actions of others in the organization. Always has... always will (Drive Quotes)
You’ll drive yourself crazy if you start trying to pry the meaning out of every gust of wind or rain squall. I’m not denying that there might actually be a few signs that you won’t want to miss. Knowing the difference is the tricky part (Drive Quotes)
When you look to the past, don’t sit and dwell on your regrets. Instead, focus on the things you learned from each experience and how they may enrich your future. Use the past not as something to hold you back, but as a method for reaffirming the drive to move forward on your chosen path (Drive Quotes)
It is impossible for the mind to remain undisturbed by thoughts, but anyone serious about the matter can certainly permit them entry or drive them away, and although their origin does not lie entirely under our control we can choose to approve of them and to adopt them (Drive Quotes)
It’s all the same, only the names will change, everyday it seems we’re wasting away. Another place, where the faces are so cold, I’d drive all night just to get back home (Drive Quotes)
I’m not one of those people who thinks they simply deserves success. I have the drive to work. Maybe that’s why I’ve stayed on the fringe (Drive Quotes)
At the beginning of a novel, a writer needs confidence, but after that what’s required is persistence. These traits sound similar. They aren’t. Confidence is what politicians, seducers and currency speculators have, but persistence is a quality found in termites. It’s the blind drive to keep on working that persists after confidence breaks down (Drive Quotes)
Assume that your drive to experience pleasure isn’t a barrier to your spiritual growth, but is in fact essential to it. Proceed on the hypothesis that cultivating joy can make you a more ethical and compassionate person. Imagine that feeling good has something important to teach you every day. What might you do differently from what you do now? (Drive Quotes)
It is interesting how keen people are for you to do something they would never dream of doing themselves, how enthusiasticall y they drive you to your own destruction (Drive Quotes)
You can’t drive into the future if you are looking into a rear vision mirror (Drive Quotes)
Stillness is our most intense mode of action. It is in our moments of deep quiet that is born every idea, emotion, and drive which we eventually honor with the name of action. We reach highest in meditation, and farthest in prayer. In stillness every human being is great (Drive Quotes)