Drive Quotes

Text Quotes
Don’t confuse drive and passion. Drive pushes you forward. It’s a duty, an obligation. Passion pulls you. It’s the sense of connection you feel when the work you do expresses who you are. Only passion will get you through the tough times. (Drive Quotes)
Success is born out of faith, an undying passion, and a relentless drive (Drive Quotes)
Desire is transformed into drive when a dream creates a passion for action (Drive Quotes)
What [Prozac] does is completely annihilate the sexual drive, so the question of passion hardly arises. (Drive Quotes)
A horsefly can’t do a horse much damage, but it can drive it wild anyway (Drive Quotes)
I’ve already established my (political)machinery. It’s like a car. It’s fixed already. You just have to get in and drive it. (Drive Quotes)
The nature of creativity is to make space for things to happen... We can drive it out with our busyness and plans. (Drive Quotes)
That’s a sound design thing but then we wanted to do music that would not disturb it and at the same time drive it. (Drive Quotes)
Maybe we’ll understand more about how the universe came to be, and what forces drove it in the early days and which forces drive it now. (Drive Quotes)
I don’t want money. What the hell’s money good for? You can’t drive it and you can’t eat it and it won’t even fix a flat. (Drive Quotes)
In my songs, I’m not saying something that’s never been said before. The have lyrics aren’t going to blow people away. It’s the emotion and the melody that drive it home. (Drive Quotes)
Hitchcock used to believe that if there were three or four memorable scenes in a film that would be enough to drive it, but I don’t know if that’s true or not. (Drive Quotes)
The parents of teenagers would love to have a car that won’t go very far or go very fast. They could just cruise around the neighborhood, drive it to school, see their friends, plug it in overnight. (Drive Quotes)
The battle is not to the strong alone. It is to the vigilant, the active, and the brave. A small, disciplined militia can not only hold out against a larger force, but drive it back, because what they’re fighting for rightfully belongs to them. (Drive Quotes)
I didn’t buy the Porsche for status. I hate that, and it’s actually kind of goofy now because in L.A., a Porsche is like a Honda. It was just that I could pay that much money for a car and drive it off the lot. (Drive Quotes)
Stop making some excuses on why you can’t pursue your true passion in life. You could start building your passion on the side until it grows big enough to substitute your regular job, and then you could concentrate fulltime on your passion and drive it to greatness. (Drive Quotes)
The main point is first get the right people on the bus (and wrong people off the bus) before you figure out where to drive it. The second key point is the degree of sheer rigor in people decisions in order to take a company from Good to Great. (Drive Quotes)
Don’t drive a car in the dream, else you won’t drive it on earth. Don’t wish to become, else you won’t become. Don’t associate with fools, else your ancestors will be insulted. Don’t be addicted to wine, else your pocket will be empty. Don’t be drunk, else you’ll be attacked. (Drive Quotes)
It’s good to have high-quality competition. It helps drive research forward at a faster pace. (Drive Quotes)
The music has to drive you. That’s just it. You follow it. You follow the songs. (Drive Quotes)
I like to drive nice cars; since I live in New York, and I don’t drive there, it’s a novelty to be on the road and drive and listen to my music. (Drive Quotes)
I need a lover that won’t drive me crazy, someone that knows the meaning of hey, hit the highway. (Drive Quotes)
I’m not patient, and some things drive me crazy. In my work, I get incredibly upset when people don’t get it right or don’t respect others’ needs. (Drive Quotes)
Publishers never tell writers anything. They’re all crazy and they drive me crazy. (Drive Quotes)
I drive these brothers crazy I do it on the daily They treat me really nicely They buy me all these ices (Drive Quotes)
Contemporary movies just drive me crazy. The violence and the sentimentality and the spiritual materialism and Theism and the incredible indulgence in ignorance is so claustrophobic. (Drive Quotes)
I’m not ashamed of my body and you know everything in the fashion world, if I was vulnerable to it, could drive me crazy. I think it produces so much self-hatred. (Drive Quotes)
For every Drive Safely sign, shouldn’t there be a Resume Normal Driving sign? (Drive Quotes)
Know how to drive safely when it’s raining or when it’s snowing. The two conditions are different. (Drive Quotes)
It’s all based around the idea that basically VW cars are space age. They’re the worst cars to use in action movie, because all the things you want to traditionally do in an action movie they won’t allow you to do, because they make you drive safely if you want to or not. (Drive Quotes)