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Drone Quotes

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I was brought up in the countryside in Ireland and would go bonkers if I couldn’t escape the city. I like to wake and hear birds tweeting, not the low drone of traffic.  (Drone Quotes) It is hard to imagine Andre Le Notre laying out the exquisite landscape designs for Vaux-le-Vicomte, and later the magnificent Chateau de Versailles, with no high hill to stand on, no helicopter to fly in, and no drone to show him the complexities of the terrain. Yet he did, and with extreme precision, accuracy, and high style.  (Drone Quotes) I wish sometimes that I just didn’t have to think about any of this, and could drone away my life. It would be easier  (Drone Quotes) A drone is a high-tech version of an old army and a musket. It ought to be used in Somalia to hunt bad guys, but not in America. I don’t want to see it hovering over anybody’s home  (Drone Quotes) What am I doing with my life? Am I just going to some humdrum job that I don’t really want to be at, doing some minuscule task, getting paid to be a mindless drone? Or am I out there living life, on my terms, the way I want to live it, doing the things that I want to do?  (Drone Quotes) For those suggesting criticisms of drone kills should wait until the election: that’d be reasonable if he stops killing until the election  (Drone Quotes) Human beings were not meant to sit in little cubicles staring at computer screens all day, filling out useless forms and listening to eight different bosses drone on about about mission statements  (Drone Quotes) A drone strike is a terror weapon, we don’t talk about it that way. It is; just imagine you are walking down the street and you don’t know whether in 5 minutes there is going to be an explosion across the street from some place up in the sky that you can’t see. Somebody will be killed, and whoever is around will be killed, maybe you’ll be injured if you’re there. That is a terror weapon. It terrorizes villages, regions, huge areas. It’s the most massive terror campaign going on by a long shot  (Drone Quotes) Most plagiarists, like the drone, have neither taste to select, industry to acquire, nor skill to improve, but impudently pilfer the honey ready prepared, from the hive  (Drone Quotes) Women tell stories; men want answers. Guys get impatient when we drone on forever; we get frustrated when they tune out  (Drone Quotes) The scary thing about the future... there will be tiny cameras everywhere, and they’ll be flying around like mosquitoes and drones. That will be bad. Drones are scary. You can’t reason with a drone  (Drone Quotes) Words cannot express quite a lot of feelings, whereas a noise or tone or drone or sound, an accordion falling down a staircase, can somehow capture an emotion much better  (Drone Quotes) Whiskey makes the heart beat faster but it sure doesn’t help the mind and isn’t it funny how you can ache just from the deadly drone of existence?  (Drone Quotes) I believe we should use any and all means necessary to take out people who pose a threat to us and our friends around the world. And it’s widely reported that drones are being used in drone strikes, and I support that and entirely, and feel the president was right to up the usage of that technology, and believe that we should continue to use it, to continue to go after the people that represent a threat to this nation and to our friends  (Drone Quotes) In fact, it’s doing it all over the world. Obama, first of all, is running the biggest terrorist operation that exists, maybe in history. The drone assassination campaigns, which are just part of it. All of these operations, they are terror operations  (Drone Quotes) I’ve never argued against any technology being used when you have an imminent threat, an active crime going on. If someone comes out of a liquor store with a weapon and fifty dollars in cash, I don’t care if a drone kills him or a policeman kills him  (Drone Quotes) We know that no algorithm can solve global poverty; no pill can cure a chronic illness; no box of chocolates can mend a broken relationship; no educational DVD can transform a child into a baby Einstein; no drone strike can end a terrorist conflict. Sadly, there is no such thing as ‘One Tip to a Flat Stomach.’  (Drone Quotes) Few years ago I did a movie, Good Kill, about drone pilots and for four or five months I’m obsessed with the Air Force  (Drone Quotes) I look forward to blaming a drone for losing a birthday present I never got you  (Drone Quotes) The song ‘Humiliation’ is kind of about what if, outside of a dinner party or something, I was blown up by a drone missile, out by the pool. What an embarrassing way to go  (Drone Quotes) The novelist loses, every time. Politics is insidious, the modern conduct of war (from shoulder-launched rockets to drone strikes) is insidious. Someone presses a button in California and twenty people are incinerated at a wedding in Pakistan. The killer is spared the sight of the corpses  (Drone Quotes) Obama’s drone program, in fact, amounts to the largest unmanned aerial offensive ever conducted in military history: never have so few killed so many by remote control.  (Drone Quotes) Few years ago I did a movie, Good Kill, about drone pilots and for four or five months I’m obsessed with the Air Force.  (Drone Quotes) Is there anything about cyberspace that particularly screams Air Force? Not really. If cyber warfare is going to be as all-encompassing as it’s made out to be by its vigorous proponents, then it will disseminate throughout the services even more than the drone phenomenon has.  (Drone Quotes) A drone is a high-tech version of an old army and a musket. It ought to be used in Somalia to hunt bad guys, but not in America. I don’t want to see it hovering over anybody’s home.  (Drone Quotes) There are many reasons why I hate college football. The 4-hour games drone on longer than Steve Lyons during the American League playoffs. The ever-expanding season threatens to creep into early July. Boise, Idaho, hosts a bowl game. And it’s played on blue artificial turf.  (Drone Quotes) As if being a former vampire drone in a werewolf household were not shocking enough, the maid then opened her mouth and proved that she was also, quite reprehensibly, French  (Drone Quotes) The scary thing about the future... there will be tiny cameras everywhere, and they’ll be flying around like mosquitoes and drones. That will be bad. Drones are scary. You can’t reason with a drone.  (Drone Quotes) No American should be killed by a drone on American soil without first being charged with a crime, without first being found guilty of a crime by a court.  (Drone Quotes)
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