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Not everything will go as you expect in your life. This is why you need to drop expectations, and go with the flow of life  (Drop Quotes) Black revolutionaries do not drop from the moon. We are created by our conditions. Shaped by our oppression  (Drop Quotes) Every drop of human blood contains a history book written in the language of our genes  (Drop Quotes) We are like a drop of water in a vast, divine ocean, distinct yet immersed in something much larger than ourselves. It’s only when we experience our connection to infinity that we’re able to dream powerfully  (Drop Quotes) I’ve always lived to seize the moment, to squeeze every drop of expectation out of myself for whatever that moment gives you  (Drop Quotes) When you do television, you have this opportunity to drop these subtle hints everywhere. The way you say things, for example, sometimes those seeds turn into trees  (Drop Quotes) If you are a friend of somebody and that friend is in trouble, you don’t just drop them  (Drop Quotes) Put all your eggs in one basket. Then you’re less likely to drop that basket  (Drop Quotes) To me, one of the greatest triumphs in doing a book is to tell the story as simply as possible. My aim is to imply rather than to overstate. Whenever the reader participates with his own interpretation, I feel that the book is much more successful. I write with the premise that less is more. Writing is not difficult to me. I read into a tape recorder, constantly dropping a word here and there from my manuscript until I get a minimum amount of words to say exactly what I want to say. Each time I drop a word or two, it brings me a sense of victory!  (Drop Quotes) And to remember both our triumphs and our missteps, our promises made and broken, the times we opened ourselves up to great adventures or closed ourselves down for fear of getting hurt, because that’s what new year’s all about, getting another chance, a chance to forgive. to do better, to do more, to give more, to love more, and to stop worrying about what if and start embracing what will be. so when that ball drops at midnight, and it will drop, let’s remember to be nice to each other, kind to each other, and not just tonight but all year long  (Drop Quotes) A politician is not allowed to get too emotional in public, so what he does is drop subtle hints that, over time, cause the public to get emotional. Once the same emotions are generated by enough people, the politician can use it to steer the public in his desired direction. Fear is an emotion that is often used this way. A smart politician knows that if he can create fear in enough people, those people will give up what they truly want in order to give the politician what he says they need  (Drop Quotes) So for every day that you’re on this earth, for every minute that you have, the whole idea is doing nothing less than exactly what you feel you’re supposed to do and squeezing every last drop out of life every day, regardless of the difficulties or trials that you face  (Drop Quotes) When you would grab that last hole you could literally feel all of the hope, desire and stress drop off of you  (Drop Quotes) Where we have good, testable explanations, they then have to be tested, and we drop the ones that fail the tests  (Drop Quotes) I suppose I am one of life’s naturally clumsy people; I don’t drop stuff all the time, or break things, but I’m just generally a bit flustered  (Drop Quotes) I wrote about wasting time, which I suppose is a part of the great human journey. We’re supposed to wallow, to go through the desert without water for a long time so that when we finally drink it, we’ll truly need it and we won’t spill a drop. It’s about being present  (Drop Quotes) I can cry at the drop of a hat. I’ve always found that easier than laughing in films  (Drop Quotes) They don’t respect us, so let’s surprise them, we’ll drop the big one, pulverize them  (Drop Quotes) I was drifting away like a drop in the ocean, and now I realize that nothing has been as beautiful as when I saw heaven’s skies  (Drop Quotes) Love is a flower that blooms so tender, each kiss a dew drop of sweet surrender. Love is a moment of life enchanting, let’s take that moment that tonight is granting  (Drop Quotes) Instead of fretting about getting everything done, why not simply accept that being alive means having things to do? Then drop into full engagement with whatever you’re doing, and let the worry go  (Drop Quotes) Nobody can predict the future. You just have to give your all to the relationship you’re in and do your best to take care of your partner, communicate and give them every last drop of love you have. I think one of the most important things in a relationship is caring for your significant other through good times and bad  (Drop Quotes) My advice to myself and to everyone else, particularly young people, is to turn on, tune in and drop out. By drop out, I mean to detach yourself from involvement in secular, external social games. But the dropping out has to occur internally before it can occur externally. I’m not telling kids just to quit school; I’m not telling people to quit their jobs. That is an inevitable development of the process of turning on and tuning in  (Drop Quotes) Don’t ever quit. Never quit. Never show anybody you’re hurt. Grin and walk through the cannon smoke. It will drive them up the wall. You always stay true to your own principles. You always believe in your gift. God doesn’t make mistakes when he presents someone with a gift like that. It’s there for a reason. Tell the naysayers, those who reject you, to drop dead! Who cares?  (Drop Quotes) I’ll never retire from working; I’ll keep my life interesting until I drop dead  (Drop Quotes) How can you tell if you are draining someone? How far have you gotten into their life? Are they dependent upon you? Are you thinking of them negatively? Does your energy drop when you stop seeing them?  (Drop Quotes) A cardinal rule of writing is never interrupt yourself to explain something. If you must bring up an obscure topic, drop informative hints about it as you go along so that you don’t end up with the entire explanation all in one place. This keeps you from skidding to a stop and sounding teacherish. Otherwise it’s better to omit the obscure topic altogether, or as mothers might put it: if you can’t say it interestingly, don’t say it at all  (Drop Quotes) Most men either compromise or drop their greatest talents and start running after, what they perceive to be, a more reasonable success, and somewhere in between they end up with a discontented settlement. Safety is indeed stability, but it is not progression  (Drop Quotes) Everything is a hero: A lighthouse which gives light to us; weeds that provide shelter to little insects; a water drop which quenches a thirsty ant! Everything that helps us to live is a hero!  (Drop Quotes) In good times, we all want to drop anchor, to stop in time! But man is condemned to move till the far end of the precipice!  (Drop Quotes)
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