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Lazarevo drips you into my soul, dawn drop by moonlight drop from the river Kama. When you look for me, look for me there, because that’s where I’ll be all the days of my life  (Drop Quotes) According to Eshin’s Essentials of Salvation, the Ten Pleasures are but a drop in the ocean when compared to the joys of the Pure Land  (Drop Quotes) The truth is limitless in its range, if you drop the T and look at it in reverse it could hurt  (Drop Quotes) With every drop of water you drink, every breath you take, you’re connected to the sea. No matter where on Earth you live  (Drop Quotes) I’ll continue making films because I love being able to drop into other people’s worlds. My goal is to be constantly learning  (Drop Quotes) Feelings never do make sense. They get you all confused. Then drive you around for hours before they drop you right back where you started  (Drop Quotes) A drop in the ocean. A change in the weather; I was praying that you and me might end up together  (Drop Quotes) I hope you get into all the classes you’re planning to drop when they require too much work  (Drop Quotes) No matter how bad someone treats you, never drop down to their level. Just know that you’re better  (Drop Quotes) Even one small drop can make a ripple in the water, and one small decision can affect your life in the simplest way  (Drop Quotes) If you don’t value your life, don’t expect me to drop everything and rush to you if you get hurt  (Drop Quotes) You can only begin to understand, if you drop what you think you know, and see things for exactly what they are  (Drop Quotes) You can not easily drop a person out of your mind. Especially when that person left a special mark on your heart  (Drop Quotes) You know you’re a skydiver when on windy days you go to the drop zone anyway and bitch about the weather  (Drop Quotes) I only wish to be the fountain of love from which you drink, every drop promising eternal passion  (Drop Quotes) We’ll rock till we drop. We have all agreed this won’t be the last time. Everyone’s rocking  (Drop Quotes) When handling a customers complaint, remember: If you can’t fix it, don’t drop it  (Drop Quotes) No one is perfect, everyone is capable of making a mistake, so drop the attitude, and give people a second chance  (Drop Quotes) If each of my words were a drop of water, you would see through them and glimpse what I feel: gratitude, acknowledgement  (Drop Quotes) After I hurt the knee, football wasn’t nearly as much fun. I was limited. But you make do with what you have. I adjusted some. I was lucky to play as long as I did, with the different kinds of injuries I got. I played with two severed hamstring muscles in my leg late in my career. I could barely run, other than to drop back to pass  (Drop Quotes) My dad was a really good surfer, and by the time I was 10, he was dragging me out on some good days at Bells. I’d reckon they were solid, 6-foot days, and he’d tell me to wait on the shoulder. I’d see him coming through the barrel, and he’d just scream at me to go. I’d drop in, and he’d give me a hoot from behind - I’ve always loved it  (Drop Quotes) I drop my kid off at school and then race home, and its a very limited time. I can only do really serious writing for a couple of hours. And then I always go on a walk, I do a one-to-two-hour walk; I don’t go running or hard hiking  (Drop Quotes) Nine holes of golf will take you one-and-a-half, two hours. I run in 20 minutes, I feel better off. So the cost benefit made me drop golf  (Drop Quotes) I promise you: No American whose great-grandfather was born here is watching soccer. One can only hope that, in addition to learning English, these new Americans will drop their soccer fetish with time  (Drop Quotes) It’s about finding what’s next. I’m hesitant to let people know what producers I’m f---ing with, what I’m rapping about. I’d rather drop that winning hand out of nowhere  (Drop Quotes) One of the computer models for a four degree temperature rise would give rise to a 10 degree temperature rise in Africa. And bear in mind also that in the depth of an ice age the mean temperature drop compared to the present was five degrees  (Drop Quotes) Understand your darkness and it will vanish; then you will know what light is. Understand your nightmare for what it is and it will stop; then you will wake up to reality. Understand your false beliefs and they will drop; then you will know the taste of happiness  (Drop Quotes) Men are in a restless pursuit after satisfaction and earthly things. They have no forethought for their eternal state, the present hour absorbs them. They turn to another and another of earth’s broken cisterns, hoping to find water, where not a drop was ever discovered yet  (Drop Quotes) Behold a candle, how it gives its light. It weeps its life away drop by drop in order to give forth its flame of light  (Drop Quotes) What a vast fraternity it is,--that of ‘Hearts that Ache.’ For the last three months it has seemed to me as though all society were coming to me, to drop its mask for a moment and initiate me into the mystery. How we do suffer! And we go on laughing; for, as a practical joke at our expense, life is a success  (Drop Quotes)
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