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A living man is blind and drinks his drop. What matter if the ditches are impure? What matter if I live it all once more?  (Drop Quotes) With every drop of my blood I hate and execrate every form of tyranny, every form of slavery. I hate dictation. I love liberty.  (Drop Quotes) How may I hate that which I love with such intensity of passion? How should I abhor that for which my every drop of blood is boiling?  (Drop Quotes) The fate of this man or that man was less than a drop, although it was a sparkling one, in the great blue motion of the sunlit sea.  (Drop Quotes) Diagnosed incidentally with stage IV, grade 4 metastatic renal cell carcinoma, I had bone metastases in my femur (which eventually fractured), ulna, and cranium; five metastases in my lungs; and muscle metastases in my thigh and tongue. Yet six months after diagnosis, my treatment ended: I’ve not had a drop of anything since.  (Drop Quotes) Lana Turner was adorable and funny. Jimmy Stewart was such a nice person. I quickly realized that if you’re not a nice person, you’re not going to last in this business. I mean, once your box office starts to drop off, like Veronica Lake, they’ll get rid of you fast.  (Drop Quotes) Particular individuals who might never consider dropping out if they were in a different high school might decide to drop out if they attended a school where many boys and girls did so.  (Drop Quotes) Because when I read, I don’t really read; I pop a beautiful sentence into my mouth and suck it like a fruit drop, or I sip it like a liqeur until the thought dissolves in me like alcohol, infusing brain and heart and coursing on through the veins to the root of each blood vessel.  (Drop Quotes) The greatest crimes in the world are not committed by people breaking the rules but by people following the rules. It’s people who follow orders that drop bombs and massacre villages.  (Drop Quotes) This is gonna sound stupid, but I saw at one point that our mothers are ... bus drivers. No, they are the bus. See, they’re the vehicle that gets us here. They drop us off and go on their way. They continue on their journey. And the problem is that we keep tryin’ to get back on the bus, instead of just lettin’ it go.  (Drop Quotes) Capitalists seem uninterested in capitalism, even as eager entrepreneurs can’t get financing. Businesses and investors sound like the Ancient Mariner, who complained, ‘Water, water everywhere - nor any drop to drink.’  (Drop Quotes) I really enjoy playing the piano. I took lessons throughout middle school, but I had to drop the lessons. I actually got too busy, but I hope to pick up the lessons when I’m in college if I can.  (Drop Quotes) Every time you drop the price by a factor of two, you roughly get a 10 times pickup of the number of people who will seriously consider buying it.  (Drop Quotes) Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton is now facing a kind of personal dilemma. She can’t decide whether to drop the name Clinton from her name, or drop the name Rodham. They can’t figure out which one is more embarrassing.  (Drop Quotes) We’re good at taking care of little kids, and spend a lot of energy teaching them things like how to read. But when kids get as tall as their parents and can look them in the eyes, we tend to drop the ball - at a time they most need a loving consistent community of adults, be it parents, aunts, uncles, or others.  (Drop Quotes) Drop the idea that you are Atlas carrying the world on your shoulders. The world would go on even without you. Don’t take yourself so seriously.  (Drop Quotes) Do we not see all humans unaware Of what they want, and always searching everywhere, And changing place, as if to drop the load they bear?  (Drop Quotes) In a serious relationship, I will definitely write music about a guy. I’m totally into mix tapes and I’m all about small little things. I’ll drop by their door and just leave a gift or come over if they’re sick and make them chicken noodle soup and rent a DVD and play board games. I think those little things mean a lot to someone.  (Drop Quotes) God doesn’t just miraculously and physically intervene in the whole process, so if I just go and drop a bunch of chemicals and herbicides that leach into the groundwater, I can pray all day to keep my child healthy, but if the herbicides gone into the groundwater come up my well, my child’s going to drink that water.  (Drop Quotes) The world is full of terrible suffering, compared to which the small inconveniences of my childhood are as a drop of rain in the sea.  (Drop Quotes) A drop in younger children visiting libraries is of great concern. As children’s laureate, I am passionate about the role of libraries, both in schools and in the wider community. They are unique places where children can begin their journey as readers, as well as being creative hubs.  (Drop Quotes) Children who have been in work for a long time suddenly get a thud down to earth once the cuteness fades, hips widen, voices drop and jawlines strengthen.  (Drop Quotes) Every tear drop makes deep feelings, don’t let them go, but just remember,some come, some go, keep trying, hold on and always, always believe in yourself, so keep your head high, keep your chin up and smile in every situation :  (Drop Quotes) Suffering is better than sinning. There is more evil in a drop of sin than in an ocean of affliction. Better, burn for Christ, than turn from Christ.  (Drop Quotes) One word is enough to destroy an entire city provided that word is backed by anger. Drop down the bullets of anger; it destroys at the speed of light!  (Drop Quotes) I sometimes clean my ears up to five times a day. Even having buds in the same room makes me want to have a go. When I’m in India, the cheap ones freak me out because I worry they’ll drop off inside my ear. In the U.K., I like Johnson’s.  (Drop Quotes) Promise to my momma I’ma make it to the Top.. So I’ma keep climbing til my heartbeat drop  (Drop Quotes) You’ve to close down your umbrella when you are under a canopy. Drop your pride; give praise to God!  (Drop Quotes) Or maybe...their biggest fear is that they will get close to you again, and you’ll go and drop dead.  (Drop Quotes) I’d run my whole life long to reach you; paddle my way across Atlantic and Pacific; traverse Jungle and Desert to find you; climb cliffs and drop from the sky to rescue you. Anything to be close to you. Any way to say I love you.  (Drop Quotes)
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