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Go forward until the last round is fired and the last drop of gas is expended...then go forward on foot!  (Drop Quotes) If you drop out you put yourself further away from the goal of life than if you were to keep working.  (Drop Quotes) God will not be behind-hand in love to us: for our drop, we shall receive an ocean  (Drop Quotes) The God who exacts the last drop of blood from his Son so that his just anger, evoked by sin, may be appeased, is not the God revealed by and in Jesus Christ. And if he is not the God of Jesus, he does not exist.  (Drop Quotes) I can make people laugh at the drop of a dime. God’s given me that ability.  (Drop Quotes) At one point I had to shove as much food in my body as possible to pack on calories. My trainer wanted me to do six meals a day and not go two hours without eating. If I would cheat on eating one day, I could tell - I’d drop a few pounds.  (Drop Quotes) Rejoicing in ordinary things is not sentimental or trite. It actually takes guts. Each time we drop our complaints and allow everyday good fortune to inspire us, we enter the warrior’s world.  (Drop Quotes) I would be lying if I said I’m not flattered being voted as the ‘Time’s’ Most Desirable Man of 2012. Frankly, I have no idea how the desirability quotient is arrived at. If it is just drop dead good looks, then I have to thank God and my parents for it.  (Drop Quotes) I am a witness to nations and people deprived of their freedom. I was there. I watched that great Iron Curtain drop around nations which formerly had prized their freedom - good people. I was aghast as these were written off by the stroke of a pen.  (Drop Quotes) If your gonna drop out of school - tough grades are not your goal - then change your name to Candy and learn to work a pole.  (Drop Quotes) So often, we’re expected to maintain some sort of standard - that won’t get you where you need to go. One of the most daring things I’ve done is drop out of graduate school. I had no job, but something inside me was saying, ‘Go! Be in the world!’ I had to listen to myself, and it worked out. I still think, ‘Who was that girl?’  (Drop Quotes) I didn’t drop out of school, I placed out of it. I took correspondence courses and ended up graduating early. I did everything I could to get the hell out of there.  (Drop Quotes) You may wonder about long-term solutions. I assure you, there are none. All wounds are mortal. Take what’s given. You sometimes get a little slack in the rope but the rope always has an end. So what? Bless the slack and don’t waste your breath cursing the drop. A grateful heart knows that in the end we all swing.  (Drop Quotes) Everybody’s idea of a great book is different, of course. For me it’s one that makes my jaw drop on every page, the writing is so original.  (Drop Quotes) Every couple years, you know, these great things drop in my lap. It’s been fantastic.  (Drop Quotes) We want to do sweaters for dogs and call it ‘Bark Jacobs.’ If it works, great. If it doesn’t, we’ll drop it and do something different.  (Drop Quotes) Neither my father or mother, grandfather or grandmother, great grandfather or great grandmother, nor any other relation that I know of, or care a farthing for, has been in England these one hundred and fifty years; so that you see I have not one drop of blood in my veins but what is American.  (Drop Quotes) I like Iron Maiden and a few other bands, but by and large I don’t like metal music. Most of it simply put reeks. This meant that it was no great loss for me to drop the metal music altogether.  (Drop Quotes) Forgiveness. It’s one of the greatest gifts you can give yourself, to forgive. Forgive everybody. You are relieved of carrying that burden of resentment. You really are lighter. You feel lighter. You just drop that.  (Drop Quotes) Just go out and drop a few hand grenades all over the place, son. (to Kevin Keegan)  (Drop Quotes) Don’t ever put your happiness in someone else’s hands. They’ll drop it. They’ll drop it every time.  (Drop Quotes) It doesn’t take time to change once you understand the problem...Somebody hands you a rattlesnake, it doesn’t take long to drop it, does it?  (Drop Quotes) I think people live in the past and tend to look that way, because they drop off when they’re happiest and most successful.  (Drop Quotes) In my work, I’m called to a job at the drop of a hat, so I like a sense of order to my holidays, and holding a map makes me happy.  (Drop Quotes) The goal isn’t to be successful; it’s to be happy. And so it doesn’t matter if I’m doing things in New York or teaching high school or I drop it altogether and sell coffee. The goal is to be happy, and people and relationships are what makes you happy.  (Drop Quotes) Let’s drop the war.’’It’s very hard. There’s no place to drop it.  (Drop Quotes) Hit a home run - put your head down, drop the bat, run around the bases, because the name on the front is more - a lot more important than the name on the back.  (Drop Quotes) Dubstep has been big in the UK for years. I’m fine with hearing a dubstep drop in any song.  (Drop Quotes)
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