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I’ve developed into quite a swan. I’m one of those people that will probably look better and better as I get older until I drop dead of beauty  (Drop Quotes) A ruddy drop of manly blood the surging sea outweighs; The world uncertain comes and goes, the lover rooted stays  (Drop Quotes) Just stop for a minute and you’ll realize you’re happy just being. I think it’s the pursuit that screws up happiness. If we drop the pursuit, it’s right here  (Drop Quotes) Most food you drop is still perfectly edible. If it was in your eyesight the whole time, you can pick it up and eat it  (Drop Quotes) This morning of the small snow I count the blessings, the leak in the faucet which makes of the sink time, the drop of the water on water  (Drop Quotes) When my dad needed a shirt ironed, he would yell downstairs to my mother, who would drop everything and iron his shirt  (Drop Quotes) You will only find the happiness you seek when you drop your negative attitude towards life, embrace life and be happy  (Drop Quotes) Sometimes we drop in and do an acoustic set somewhere, and that’s really fun to take all these insanely loud songs, and to do them quiet. It’s really a sight to see... or to hear!  (Drop Quotes) I always figure I have this tree and there’s always some green fruit that’s not ready to pick or blossoms that are ready to flower; there are always some ready to drop off too  (Drop Quotes) Hostility comes from loneliness, from not seeing yourself like a drop falling into the ocean of humanity like everyone else  (Drop Quotes) Before you try to convince anyone else, be sure you are convinced, and if you cannot convince yourself, drop the subject  (Drop Quotes) Thanks to our present surgical methods in physiology we can demonstrate at any time almost all phenomena of digestion without the loss of even a single drop of blood, without a single scream from the animal undergoing the experiment  (Drop Quotes) Not every man remembers the name of the cow which supplied him with each drop of milk he has drunk  (Drop Quotes) When one kicks over a tea table and smashes everything but the sugar bowl, one may as well pick that up and drop it on the bricks, don’t you think?  (Drop Quotes) I know you can be up one minute and drop the next, so I’m trying to maintain a steady course so I can have some longevity  (Drop Quotes) He believes in romance. He isn’t merely going through the mechanical movements of a man in an exciting situation. He is, vitally and positively squeezing the last drop of delight from living the best life he knows in the best way he can  (Drop Quotes) Politics is so much about serendipity that we’ve got to have a bigger pool of women, so that when people drop out of the process, you’ve got others to turn to  (Drop Quotes) The one thing you don’t want is that stale sound when you’ve done a line so much you can’t find a fresh approach to it. Drop it  (Drop Quotes) There are lines that I know are going to get a belly laugh, but after a few shows I get sick of hearing myself say them so I drop them  (Drop Quotes) Absolute faith can blind you to the consequences of the actions you allow. It can tell you it’s okay to drop bombs on another country, or that it’s okay to hate a group of people such as homosexuals  (Drop Quotes) I did my work slowly, drop by drop. I tore it out of me by pieces  (Drop Quotes) I don’t think my spirituality has affected my character. I feel like my character is much more cynical about his beliefs, and I think I have to kind of drop what I believe in order to play him  (Drop Quotes) Research shows that children do better in school and are less likely to drop out when fathers are involved. Engaged parents can strengthen communities, mentor and tutor students, and demonstrate through their actions how much they value their children’s education  (Drop Quotes) At one point in college I was so shy that I’d drop out of a class if asked to speak in front of other people  (Drop Quotes) Even if I died in the service of the nation, I would be proud of it. Every drop of my blood... will contribute to the growth of this nation and to make it strong and dynamic  (Drop Quotes) I didn’t think I was fat. I just thought I didn’t need to gain any weight. But I would drop weight and then I would be comfortable with that number. Then I would lose more weight and that would become my new number  (Drop Quotes) Everybody’s idea of a great book is different, of course. For me it’s one that makes my jaw drop on every page, the writing is so original  (Drop Quotes) Language is a living thing. We can feel it changing. Parts of it become old: they drop off and are forgotten. New pieces bud out, spread into leaves, and become big branches, proliferating  (Drop Quotes) You just drop a character like this that and the other and it’s done  (Drop Quotes) Japan is quite weird because they wait for you to say something before they respond. You can literally hear a pin drop, they don’t make a sound until you say something to the crowd  (Drop Quotes)
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