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Dropped Quotes

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Nobody move! I dropped my nuts!  (Dropped Quotes) Women often get dropped from memory, and then history  (Dropped Quotes) Y’all dropped the ball and you should be shamed  (Dropped Quotes) Dropped a peanut in my belly button, do I eat it or  (Dropped Quotes) I’ve never dropped anyone I believed in  (Dropped Quotes) I’m sorry, but were you dropped on your head as an infant?  (Dropped Quotes) Names were not so much dropped as thrown in a perpetual game of catch  (Dropped Quotes) The temperature of the room dropped fast  (Dropped Quotes) You couldn’t drop me! You never dropped me  (Dropped Quotes) I was still in school after I dropped my first solo album  (Dropped Quotes) If God dropped acid, would he see people?  (Dropped Quotes) Alboreto has dropped back up to fifth place  (Dropped Quotes) The storm dropped a house on her head  (Dropped Quotes) I also started to eat sensibly. The weight just dropped off  (Dropped Quotes) Male athletes don’t get dropped when they father kids  (Dropped Quotes) I dropped chemistry. I practically blew up the lab in college  (Dropped Quotes) I kept going to different colleges, but dropped out  (Dropped Quotes) Due to financial reasons, I dropped out of school after eight years of formal schooling  (Dropped Quotes) I dropped out of high school four times between the ages of 12 to 17  (Dropped Quotes) You’re only as good as your last record and you could get dropped  (Dropped Quotes) Never king dropped out of the clouds  (Dropped Quotes) She just dropped it and ran!!  (Dropped Quotes) Nothing in life gets dropped without someone else having to pick it up  (Dropped Quotes) Living jewels dropped unstained from heaven  (Dropped Quotes) I dropped out of college when I was 18 to be in a band  (Dropped Quotes) Taxation is nothing but organized robbery, and there the subject should be dropped  (Dropped Quotes) I dropped out of school and I never took acting classes  (Dropped Quotes) You never want to be the director who dropped the ball, you know?  (Dropped Quotes) Something inside me had dropped away, and nothing came in to fill the cavern  (Dropped Quotes) We have this morning dropped anchor, just off Williamstown  (Dropped Quotes)
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