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Dropped Quotes

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I had dropped out of school and was a runaway, so I didn’t have family to fall back on if I didn’t work. I didn’t have a lot of other options of making money other than modeling  (Dropped Quotes) I dropped out of school in the 11th grade because there was no purpose in it for me. I’m not proud of this, and I’m not trying to promote it  (Dropped Quotes) I guess I’m not that aware of such a big fan base. I have a few core people who write me no matter what I’m doing, but I hardly have sacks of mail being dropped on my door!  (Dropped Quotes) My show is constantly evolving... new tricks are added, old ones are dropped... so it stays fresh. But it’s the randomly selected participants from the audience that make it fresh and provide some of the best comic relief  (Dropped Quotes) I got a chance to have my dream come true, and I wanted to make sure I made the decision as to when I dropped my last album. If I don’t feel like this album is an incredible piece of work, then I’m cool with the albums I’ve done. I don’t have to put out another album  (Dropped Quotes) Words are also seeds, and when dropped into the invisible spiritual substance, they grow and bring forth after their kind  (Dropped Quotes) I dropped out of high school. I really had no interest in doing any school work whatsoever  (Dropped Quotes) Well one of the times I did a stunt was in the devil’s snare room and they lifted me up on a harness and a safety rope really, really high, and they just dropped me down into the devil’s snare  (Dropped Quotes) Cases of sickness made up a very small percentage which in my opinion was normal. However, propaganda pamphlets dropped from aircraft were telling the workers to feign illness, and detailed instructions were given to them on how to do it  (Dropped Quotes) My own judgment of how the world is gonna end is that there will be a country led by a madman that will build a nuclear bomb with so much force, so much power, that it will be dropped somewhere on the face of this earth and that the earth will lose its place  (Dropped Quotes) When the ball dropped in 1999, I was holding dough and champagne in my hands and holding my kids  (Dropped Quotes) We sold a certain, steady amount of product for them and they could count on it. When it came time to ask for the money for this new record, they dropped us. It was fine with us. It was a dead fish  (Dropped Quotes) Pictures get manipulated, pictures get dropped into accounts. We’ve asked an internet security firm and a law firm to take a hard look at this to come up with a conclusion about what happened and to make sure it doesn’t happen again  (Dropped Quotes) At 12 I dropped out of school but I had lost interest in it at a much earlier age. For me, school was very very stressful  (Dropped Quotes) Let the mantle of worldly enjoyments hang loose about you, that it may be easily dropped when death comes to carry you into another world  (Dropped Quotes) I mean, I never liked being told what to do. It’s one of the reasons I dropped out of school  (Dropped Quotes) I actually have a thing about proper nouns. They clang on my ear in a weird way when I hear them dropped into movies  (Dropped Quotes) In books, day breaks, and night falls. In life, night rises from the ground. The day hangs on for as long as it can, bright and eager, absolutely and positively the last guest to leave the party, while the ground darkens, oozing night around your ankles, swallowing for ever that dropped contact lens, making you miss that low catch in the gully on the last ball of the last over  (Dropped Quotes) I went to sleep with gum in my mouth and now there’s gum in my hair and when I got out of bed this morning I tripped on the skateboard and by mistake I dropped my sweater in the sink while the water was running and I could tell it was going to be a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day  (Dropped Quotes) On the horizon, he saw the full moon. God dropped it there, he was sure, as a reminder of our small place in the world. A reminder that what is beautiful is fleeting  (Dropped Quotes) Words have weight, something once said cannot be unsaid. Meaning is like a stone dropped into a pool; the ripples will spread and you cannot know what back they wash against  (Dropped Quotes) Mercury dropped the purple car and shot up into the air, whistling like a shooting star. The woman in the car next to me looked up at me like I was a superhero. I smiled at her and jumped down, trying to be smooth. I landed wrong and went sliding on my face. I glanced back at her. She appeared less impressed than before  (Dropped Quotes) She slid out from under his arm, and picked up his shirt from the floor. When she put it on, it failed to meet in the middle over her chest. that always worked in the movies, she thought, disgusted, and dropped it on the floor  (Dropped Quotes) We hit the sidewalk, and dropped hands. How I wished, right then, that the whole world was a street  (Dropped Quotes) They can afford to smile because they all have teeth so dazzling if they dropped them in the snow they’d be lost forever  (Dropped Quotes) We dropped our troubles into the lap of the storyteller, and they turned into someone else’s  (Dropped Quotes) People can’t fly because they don’t believe they can. If nobody ever showed people they could swim, everybody’d drown if they were dropped into the water  (Dropped Quotes) Goals are simply tools to focus your energy in positive directions, these can be changed as your priorities change, new one added, and others dropped  (Dropped Quotes) And in that narrow cockpit I wept, as I shall never weep again, when I felt the concrete brush against his wheels and, with a great sweep of the wrist, dropped him on the ground like a cut flower. As always, I carefully cleared the engine, turned off all the switches one by one, removed the straps, the wires and the tubes which tied me to him, like a child to his mother. And when my waiting pilots and my mechanics saw my downcast eyes and my shaking shoulders, they understood and returned to the dispersal in silence  (Dropped Quotes) Wholly new forms of encyclopedias will appear, ready made with a mesh of associative trails running through them, ready to be dropped into the memex and there amplified  (Dropped Quotes)
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