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You’re in the public eye and you get treated better than royalty, and then you’re dropped down to earth with nothing. You may not have any money for rent, and you have no friends because they all think you’re big and famous now  (Dropped Quotes) When you manipulate others your attention level drops and you become prey, for you have dropped to the plane of manipulation  (Dropped Quotes) I love profanity, but I think if its used too much, it just sounds a little trashy. I think its more effective when its dropped intelligently. I like intelligent profanity  (Dropped Quotes) Many terms which have now dropped out of favour will be revived, and those that are at present respectable, will drop out, if useage so choose with whom resides the decision and the judgment and the code of speech  (Dropped Quotes) Some people make stuff; other people have to buy it. And when we gave up making stuff, starting in the 1980s, we were left with the unique role of buying.... we shopped till we dropped, all right, face down on the floor  (Dropped Quotes) Life flows on over death as water closes over a stone dropped into a pool.... Fate is certain; death is certain; but the courage and nobility of men and women matter more than these  (Dropped Quotes) Democracy... begins from the ground up. Anything living grows from the bottom up. Everything dangerous, like bombs, gets dropped from the sky down  (Dropped Quotes) I’m fortunate: I can play as long as I want to play. There’s no coach or trainer who is going to say to me that I’m dropped or sacked, it’s time to move on. I can play as long as I want to play  (Dropped Quotes) Things have dropped from me. I have outlived certain desires; I have lost friends, some by death... others through sheer inability to cross the street  (Dropped Quotes) I am not superwoman. The reality of my daily life is that I am juggling a lot of balls in the air? And sometimes some of the balls get dropped  (Dropped Quotes) I don’t normally look like a twig and I do eat like a pig but the weight has just dropped off me  (Dropped Quotes) I think I did every drug known to mankind, smoked crack, boozed, dropped acid, you name it  (Dropped Quotes) The man who complains about the way the ball bounces is likely the one who dropped it  (Dropped Quotes) These words dropped into my childish mind as if you should accidentally drop a ring into a deep well. I did not think of them much at the time, but there came a day in my life when the ring was fished up out of the well, good as new  (Dropped Quotes) Parenthood is the passing of a baton, followed by a lifelong disagreement as to who dropped it  (Dropped Quotes) In the drowsy dark cave of the mind dreams build their nest with fragments dropped from day’s caravan  (Dropped Quotes) I’ve always been interested in science. I used to take watches apart and clocks apart, and there’s little screws, and a little this and that, and I found out if I dropped one of them, that thing ain’t gonna work  (Dropped Quotes) To admit you want to have a comeback means you have to admit you weren’t what you were supposed to be. You dropped below your own standard  (Dropped Quotes) I dropped all the guards. All the leashes, all the chains, everything that ever restrained me through the discipline and fear of discovery, I let it all go. No need to hide  (Dropped Quotes) Words are like eggs dropped from great heights; you can no more call them back than ignore the mess they leave when they fall  (Dropped Quotes) And after I dropped him off, I took the longest possible route home... I explored alleys and hidden roads I never knew existed. I discovered neighborhoods entirely new to me. And finally... I discovered I was sick of this town and everything in it  (Dropped Quotes) I sped through heaven and saw God at work. I suffered holy pains. I dropped all my defenses and was afraid of nothing in the world. I accepted all things and to all things I gave up my heart  (Dropped Quotes) I feel like a curtain has dropped away and I’m seeing people for who they really are, different, and sharp, and unknowable  (Dropped Quotes) College wasn’t like the real world. In the real world people dropped names based on their renown. In college, people dropped names based on their obscurity  (Dropped Quotes) So fine was the morning except for a streak of wind here and there that the sea and sky looked all one fabric, as if sails were stuck high up in the sky, or the clouds had dropped down into the sea  (Dropped Quotes) After all, when a stone is dropped into a pond, the water continues quivering even after the stone has sunk to the bottom  (Dropped Quotes) I could be blindfolded and dropped into the deepest ocean and I would know where to find you. I could be buried a hundred miles underground and I would know where you are  (Dropped Quotes) I dropped my phone on the floor and let the pain assail me. I’d given my heart away to someone who didn’t want it. Even knowing that, I didn’t regret it. I just wanted him to want me. I just wanted him to love me too  (Dropped Quotes) She stabbed him in the armpit, deep, and he dropped his sword. And died. So that’s what is feels like, she thought as her boldness gave away to trembling. It feels awful  (Dropped Quotes) Sam dropped me off. When she was too far away to see me, I started to cry again. Because she was my friend again. And that was enough for me  (Dropped Quotes)
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