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I hated school, and dropped out of college. I got picked on a lot in school, and had a lot of trouble making friends  (Dropped Quotes) The hands of the guilty don’t necessarily tremble; only in stories does a dropped glass betray agitation. Tension is more often shown in the studied action  (Dropped Quotes) I sped through heaven and saw God at work. I suffered holy pains. I dropped all my defences and was afraid of nothing in the world. I accepted all things and to all things I gave up my heart  (Dropped Quotes) I met a brother who, describing a friend of his, said he was like a man who had dropped a bottle and broken it; and put all the pieces in his bosom, where they were cutting him perpetually  (Dropped Quotes) She was a girl who for a ringing phone dropped exactly nothing. She looked as if her phone had been ringing continually ever since she had reached puberty  (Dropped Quotes) Extreme cold when it first arrives seems to generate cheerfulness and sociability. For a few hours all life’s dubious problems are dropped in favor of the clear and congenial task of keeping alive  (Dropped Quotes) But that old man, who is lord of the broad estate and the hall, dropped off gorged from a scheme which left us flaccid and drained  (Dropped Quotes) But now that she was my apprentice, every such thought caused a guilty twitch in my neck, as if someone had dropped a sleek, stinky ferret there. Guilt ferrets are bastards  (Dropped Quotes) I dropped out of school for a semester, transferred to another college, switched to an art major, graduated, got married, and for a while worked as a graphic designer  (Dropped Quotes) He’s a novice, but he’s had these - he’s experienced in leadership in tight circumstances. He started - he dropped the first bomb, led the first air strike into North Vietnam  (Dropped Quotes) The word majesty was now dropped; but, with the deepest respect and humility, I was addressed as the count. What could I do? I accepted the title, and from that moment I was known as Count Peter  (Dropped Quotes) I could have easily gone down the wrong path and dropped out of school, but I was given a second chance  (Dropped Quotes) I love music and musicians. And seeing great artists dropped from labels was really frustrating and sad to m  (Dropped Quotes) Somebody was telling me about the French Army rifle that was being advertised on eBay the other day - the description was, ‘Never shot. Dropped once  (Dropped Quotes) Grey cloth coaxes the lime trees of friends shadowing berries dropped by the grateful Earth  (Dropped Quotes) I’ve always wanted children... not of my own, but for yard work and reaching into tight places to get things I’ve dropped  (Dropped Quotes) No one`s dropped a cent - there`s no negative ads up against Donald Trump in Iowa which is crazy to think about  (Dropped Quotes) Around the time I dropped out of college, I decided to start taking what I liked about short stories and apply it to writing songs - to make these things that would change and keep going  (Dropped Quotes) I took music theory in high school and dropped out halfway through the semester because it was ruining music for me  (Dropped Quotes) When the money is not spent on cars and refrigerators and is instead dropped into a slot machine, it leaves the economy  (Dropped Quotes) I wouldn’t eat a chicken if it dropped dead in front of me holding up a sign that said, eat me  (Dropped Quotes) Dear Religion, This week I safely dropped a man from space while you shot a child in the head for wanting to go to school. Yours, Science  (Dropped Quotes) Staring at something you just dropped and wondering if you should pick it up or leave it and go on with your life  (Dropped Quotes) I think a lot of cynicism has dropped away from my shoulders since I stopped drinking  (Dropped Quotes) The one who complains about the way the ball bounces is likely the one who dropped it  (Dropped Quotes) If nobody dropped out of eighth grade, who would hire the college graduates  (Dropped Quotes) As [House] speaker, I came back, working with President Bill Clinton. We passed a very Reagan-like program: less regulation, lower taxes. Unemployment dropped to 4.2 percent. We created 11 million jobs  (Dropped Quotes) Rick Perry dropped out of the presidential race. When asked what went wrong, Perry said, I guess America is not ready to elect a dumb guy from Texas. But in time  (Dropped Quotes) Hostility to religion is having an effect. In 1963, the number of Americans who said that they believed the Bible is literally true was 65%. Today, the number has dropped to 32%  (Dropped Quotes) I hate dentists. That’s why my tooth fell out. I was in the middle of a root canal and wouldn’t go back, so it just dropped out when I was in the middle of Fifth Avenue. I had to do the Calvin Klein show without the tooth  (Dropped Quotes)
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