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It is plain that there is no separate essence called courage, no cup or cell in the brain, no vessel in the heart containing drops or atoms that make or give this virtue; but it is the right or healthy state of every man, when he is free to do that which is constitutional to him to do  (Drops Quotes) When you do not realize that you are one with the river, or one with the universe, you have fear. Whether it is separated into drops or not, water is water. Our life and death are the same thing. When we realize this fact, we have no fear of death anymore  (Drops Quotes) Tragically, some people believe they are going to heaven when they die just because a few drops of water were sprinkled over their heads a few weeks after their birth. They have no personal faith, have never made a personal decision, and are banking on a hollow ceremony to save them. How absurd  (Drops Quotes) When our cup runs over, we let others drink the drops that fall, but not a drop from within the rim, and call it charity; when the crumbs are swept from our table, we think it generous to let the dogs eat them; as if that were charity which permits others to have what we cannot keep  (Drops Quotes) Too frequently we think we have to do spectacular things. Yet if we remember that the sea is actually made up of drops of water and each drop counts, each one of us can do our little bit where we are. Those little bits can come together and almost overwhelm the world. Each one of us can be an oasis of peace  (Drops Quotes) One thus sees that a new kind of theory is needed which drops these basic commitments and at most recovers some essential features of the older theories as abstract forms derived from a deeper reality in which what prevails in unbroken wholeness  (Drops Quotes) There are many hands touching ballots after a voter drops his ballot into the ballot box. There is no guarantee of ballot secrecy for anyone, which makes the whole system vulnerable to intimidation and bribery  (Drops Quotes) I am tired, beloved, of chafing my heart against the want of you; of squeezing it into little ink drops, and posting it. And I scald alone, here, under the fire of the great moon  (Drops Quotes) It is beautiful when it rains far away in the distance, the bright sun shining on the mound on which you stand, and only a few guerilla drops heralding the approach of the shower towards you  (Drops Quotes) What fools men are to weep the dead and gone! Unwept, youth drops its petals one by one  (Drops Quotes) Writing is easy. All you do is stare at a blank sheet of paper until drops of blood form on your forehead  (Drops Quotes) So looks the lily after a shower, while drops of rain run gently down its silken leaves, and gather sweetness as they pass  (Drops Quotes) What precious drops are those, which silently each other’s track pursue, bright as young diamonds in their faint dew?  (Drops Quotes) The babbling day has touched the hem of night’s garment, and, weary and still, drops asleep in her bosom  (Drops Quotes) Be sure to put the knocker fairly low on your door in case a very small friend drops by  (Drops Quotes) To what shall I liken the world? Moonlight, reflected in dew drops, shaken from a crane’s bill  (Drops Quotes) I never really knew that I would be a lifer of strong female characters, but that seems to be the drops I’m being given, and I’m very happy for them. Hopefully, ‘Divergent’ will be the next thing  (Drops Quotes) Every author really wants to have letters printed in the papers. Unable to make the grade, he drops down a rung of the ladder and writes novels  (Drops Quotes) One day, to everyone’s astonishment, someone drops a match in the powder keg and everything blows up  (Drops Quotes) Happiness is perfume, you can’t pour it on somebody else without getting a few drops on yourself  (Drops Quotes) When a woman like that whom I’ve seen so much, All of a sudden drops out of touch; Is always busy and never can, Spare you a moment, it means a man  (Drops Quotes) Quotations are the gold mine of human mind, the silver pearls of the wisdom ocean, and the cool drops of the rain of intelligence  (Drops Quotes) I don’t want anything bad to happen to the United States, but if North Korea ever drops a nuclear bomb on this country, I swear to God I hope it lands in Hartford, Connecticut  (Drops Quotes) If rain drops were kisses, I could send you showers. If hugs were seas I send you oceans. And if love was a person I’d send you me!!  (Drops Quotes) It’s better to wait for years for someone u’re sure of than to grab that chance with someone who picks u up but drops u whenever he wants to  (Drops Quotes) When I was younger I remember watching two drops of rain roll down window and pretending it was a race  (Drops Quotes) I’d risk catching a cold for you by continuing to dress slutty as the temperature drops  (Drops Quotes) The illusion is an agreement between the reader and writer that this [story] will be like life. The emotional temperature drops when you have footnotes  (Drops Quotes) I like to take mustard baths. I combine 4 lbs Epsom salts, 3 oz mustard powder, 12 oz powdered milk, and 1/2 cup baking soda, add in 12 drops each of rosemary and eucalyptus essential oils, then whisk it and pour 1/4 cup of the mix into the tub while warm water is running  (Drops Quotes) I was a woman writing at the early moment when small drops of worried resentment and noble rage were secretly, slowly building into the second wave of the women’s movement. I didn’t know my small-drop presence or usefulness in this accumulation  (Drops Quotes)
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