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Drummers Quotes

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I think female drummers are great. I think there should more of them  (Drummers Quotes) I do like to look at female drummers, because I am one  (Drummers Quotes) I want to keep pushing the limits for drummers and expressing myself  (Drummers Quotes) I was a beginner again. I practiced hard and used to listen very closely to recordings of American jazz drummers such as Tony Williams and Kenny Clarke  (Drummers Quotes) When I speak of natural drummers I’m talking about guys that are playing with the talent God gave ‘em.  (Drummers Quotes) In my last band, Soundgarden, I had a couple of different drummers sit in on some stuff and it was fun for me to kind of take a break and watch the band.  (Drummers Quotes) Drummers are conductors - we set the pace for the music - so if you’re not relaxed and feeling right, the whole thing goes out the window.  (Drummers Quotes) I’ve talked to some drummers who seem to have a very hard time staying in shape on the road, including some drummers touring with high-profile acts that don’t have to live on fast food every night.  (Drummers Quotes) The drummer is stereotypically the dumb guy. Maybe that’s why I always respect drummers who do more than drum.  (Drummers Quotes) As regards my feelings about drummers - there’s Buddy Rich, and then there’s everybody else.  (Drummers Quotes) Bass players and drummers are brothers in the basement cooking up the groove that makes people move.  (Drummers Quotes) I can understand why some of these drummers and bass players become cult figures with all of their equipment and the incredible amount of technique they have. But there’s very little that I think satisfies you intellectually or emotionally.  (Drummers Quotes) I had trouble fitting in, in a musical sense. A lot of drummers get sidetracked by the instrument. It can engulf you  (Drummers Quotes) The majority of my training was as a drummer, and drummers are basically accompanists  (Drummers Quotes) I really like working with drummers, I like being able to bounce ideas off drummers  (Drummers Quotes) I love to go see live music. That used to be what I would do, almost every other night, and watch drummers play  (Drummers Quotes) Plus I am being hounded by all the fabulous new drummers, Bill Stewart at the head of the pack  (Drummers Quotes) May she play the drums to the fiery rhythm of her own heart with the sinewy strength of her own arms, so she need not lie with drummers  (Drummers Quotes) When I speak of natural drummers I’m talking about guys that are playing with the talent God gave ‘em  (Drummers Quotes) I’ve talked to some drummers who seem to have a very hard time staying in shape on the road, including some drummers touring with high-profile acts that don’t have to live on fast food every night  (Drummers Quotes) I can understand why some of these drummers and bass players become cult figures with all of their equipment and the incredible amount of technique they have. But there’s very little that I think satisfies you intellectually or emotionally  (Drummers Quotes) It’s much easier to have a diversified career as an electronic musician than it is as a drummer. Nothing against drummers. If you’re a drummer, you just wait around for people to ask you to play drums. But if you have your own studio and can make music, you have the ability to approach music a lot differently  (Drummers Quotes) Radical feminism, male lesbians, transsexuals, musical condoms with suspenders, and lotsa drummers drumming are all manifestations of a political agenda with roots in the 1960s. This is all fruit we are reaping from the sexual revolution  (Drummers Quotes) I think that the rhythm sections, drummers in particular, are the unsuing heroes of the music. It’s the rhythm section that has changed the styles from one period to the other  (Drummers Quotes) I like to be one of those drummers who actually add to the music, not one of those guys who sit in a room 24/7 trying to outwit or outplay another drummer  (Drummers Quotes) Do you know why they call a drummer’s seat a throne? Because drummers are kings and queens  (Drummers Quotes) Almost everything I’ve done, I’ve done through my own creativity. I don’t think I ever had to listen to anyone else to learn how to play drums. I wish I could say that for about ten thousand other drummers  (Drummers Quotes) Historically, musicians know what it is like to be outside the norm - walking the high wire without a safety net. Our experience is not so different from those who march to the beat of different drummers  (Drummers Quotes)