Dry Quotes

Text Quotes
Even the greatest actors have had dry spells where they’ve wondered if they were going to work again (Dry Quotes)
I would just sweat so much. I’d be dry when I run on the stage. By the time I got in front of the microphone, it just, just like a river pouring out. I don’t know what made that happen. It took five years for that to stop happening to me (Dry Quotes)
Many books serve merely to show how many ways there are of being wrong, and how far astray you yourself would go if you followed their guidance. You should read only when your own thoughts dry up (Dry Quotes)
The house clock, place certain there at the bottom of things, strikes the half hour dry and null. All is so much, all is so deep, all is so dark and cold! (Dry Quotes)
Emotions are like passing storms, and you have to remind yourself that it won’t rain forever. You just have to sit down and watch it pour outside and then peek your head out when it looks dry (Dry Quotes)
No matter how dry and tame and nice we live, we will die. We will also suffer along the way. Living wild is it’s own reward (Dry Quotes)
I got a cow that went dry and a hen that won’t lay, a big stack of bills that gets bigger each day (Dry Quotes)
Why should we grope among the dry bones of the past? The sun shines today also (Dry Quotes)
Basically, my hair is very dry from all the backcombing! Hairdressers prefer if your hair is dry and damaged, as it makes it easier to style (Dry Quotes)
Exercising underwater also creates tremendous benefits by challenging your body in ways you can’t on dry land (Dry Quotes)
When the sovereign spirit within us is true to nature, it stands poised and ready to adjust to every change in circumstances and to seize each new opportunity. It doesn’t approach an object with prejudice or preconception, but handles each thing dispassionately before embracing it and, if necessary, finds advantage in what opposes it. It is like fire in this regard. Whereas a feeble flame might suffocate under a pile of dry sticks, a robust fire consumes everything it touches. The more objects of any kind heaped on it, the higher it rises, the hotter it burns (Dry Quotes)
Few things in life can be so appalling as the difference between a dry antiseptic statement of a principle by a well spoken man in a quiet office, and what happens to people when that principle is put into practice (Dry Quotes)
Your anger was a climate I inhabited like a desert in a dry frigid weather of high thin air and ivory sun, sand dunes the wind lifted into stinging clouds that blinded and choked me where the only ice was in the blood (Dry Quotes)
A writer can be compared to a well. There are as many kinds of wells as there are writers. The important thing is to have good water in the well, and it is better to take a regular amount out than to pump the well dry and wait for it to refill (Dry Quotes)
I like to pour my wines for people. I watch their eyes, I can see what they’ll like. Most people say they don’t like dry wine because they haven’t had a dry wine that’s clean and fruity, instead of a big, oaky thing (Dry Quotes)
Creativity depends on a number of things: experience, including knowledge and technical skills; talent; an ability to think in new ways; and the capacity to push through uncreative dry spells (Dry Quotes)
A plague of snow, fluffy and dry before it hardens and grips the trees, the walls, and the cars parked haphazardly everywhere. When I walk to the little market a few blocks away, it feels like a test of endurance (Dry Quotes)
Maybe it’s better like this, better that everything should go up in a blaze of dry grass and that people should begin again (Dry Quotes)
The water color process takes me and itself to a destination I hadn’t even known existed... Whatever I put down on the page, the paint will dry as it wants to (Dry Quotes)
Hillary has now erased all of her emails, and she also had all of her pantsuits dry cleaned (Dry Quotes)
Perhaps the time has come to formulate a moral code which would govern our relations with the great creatures of the sea as well as with those on dry land. That this will come to pass is my dear wish (Dry Quotes)
Why should we grope among the dry bones of the past, or put the living generation into masquerade out of its faded wardrobe? (Dry Quotes)
Where a pack of monkeys had traveled over the road, the smell of them lingered for a long time in the air, a dry and stale, mousy smell (Dry Quotes)
We sacrifice to dress till household joys and comforts cease. Dress drains our cellar dry, and keeps our larder lean (Dry Quotes)
A doctrine of endurance flows easily from our lips when we are enduring jam and our neighbors dry bread, and it is still possible for us to become resigned to the afflictions of our brother (Dry Quotes)
The misfortune is, that religious learning is too often rather considered as an act of the memory than of the heart and affections; as a dry duty, rather than a lively pleasure (Dry Quotes)
When the desire ain’t on me I don’t need help. When it is on me I don’t want any. See? Like the old fellah that never mended his roof. Said on a wet day he couldn’t do it and on a dry day it was as good as anybody’s (Dry Quotes)
A car is just a moving, giant handbag! You never have actually to carry groceries, or dry cleaning, or anything! You can have five pairs of shoes with you at all times! (Dry Quotes)
An old earthen pipe like myself is dry and thirsty and so a most voracious drinker of life at its source; I’m no more to be split by the vital stream than if I were stone or steel (Dry Quotes)
Writing every book is like a purge; at the end of it one is empty... like a dry shell on the beach, waiting for the tide to come in again (Dry Quotes)