DT Suzuki Quotes

Text Quotes
That’s why I love philosophy: no one wins (DT Suzuki Quotes)
I am an artist at living - my work of art is my life (DT Suzuki Quotes)
A simple fishing boat in the midst of the rippling waters is enough to awaken in the mind of the beholder a sense of vastness of the sea and at the same time of peace and contentment - the Zen sense oof the alone. (DT Suzuki Quotes)
Zen in it’s essence is the art of seeing into the nature of one’s being, and it points the way from bondage to freedom. (DT Suzuki Quotes)
Personal experience, therefore, is everything in Zen. No ideas are intelligible to those who have no backing of experience (DT Suzuki Quotes)
Suzuki’s works on Zen Buddhism are among the best contributions to the knowledge of living Buddhism... We cannot be sufficiently grateful to the author, first for the fact of his having brought Zen closer to Western understanding, and secondly for the manner in which he has achieved this task (DT Suzuki Quotes)
Zen opens a man’s eyes to the greatest mystery as it is daily and hourly performed; it enlarges the heart to embrace eternity of time and infinity of space in its every palpitation; it makes us live in the world as if walking in the garden of Eden (DT Suzuki Quotes)
We have two eyes to see two sides of things, but there must be a third eye which will see everything at the same time and yet not see anything. That is to understand Zen (DT Suzuki Quotes)
The rocks are where they are- and this is their will. The rivers flow- and this is their will. The birds fly- this is their will. Human beings talk- this is their will. The seasons change, heaven sends down rain or snow, the earth occasionally shakes, the waves roll, the stars shine- each of them follows its own will. To be is to will and so is to become (DT Suzuki Quotes)
The fighter is to be always single-minded with one object in view: to fight, looking neither backward nor sidewise. To go straight forward in order to crush the enemy is all that is necessary for him (DT Suzuki Quotes)
The right art is purposeless, aimless! The more obstinately you try to learn how to shoot the arrow for the sake of hitting the goal, the less you will succeed in the one and the further the other will recede (DT Suzuki Quotes)
The meaning of service is to do the work assigned ungrudgingly and without thought of personal reward material or moral (DT Suzuki Quotes)
As soon as you raise a thought and begin to form an idea of it, you ruin the reality itself, because you then attach yourself to form (DT Suzuki Quotes)
Zen has nothing to teach us in the way of intellectual analysis; nor has it any set doctrines which are imposed on its followers for acceptance (DT Suzuki Quotes)
Zen teaches nothing; it merely enables us to wake up and become aware. It does not teach, it points (DT Suzuki Quotes)
The contradiction so puzzling to the ordinary way of thinking comes from the fact that we have to use language to communicate our inner experience, which in its very nature transcends linguistics (DT Suzuki Quotes)
Zen in it’s essence is the art of seeing into the nature of one’s being, and it points the way from bondage to freedom (DT Suzuki Quotes)
Technical knowledge is not enough. One must transcend techniques so that the art becomes an artless art, growing out of the unconscious (DT Suzuki Quotes)
Unless we agree to suffer we cannot be free from suffering (DT Suzuki Quotes)
One has not understood until one has forgotten it (DT Suzuki Quotes)
The waters are in motion, but the moon retains its serenity (DT Suzuki Quotes)
We teach ourselves; Zen merely points the way (DT Suzuki Quotes)
Great works are done when one is not calculating and thinking (DT Suzuki Quotes)
The intuitive recognition of the instant, thus reality is the highest act of wisdom (DT Suzuki Quotes)
Enlightenment is like everyday consciousness but two inches above the ground (DT Suzuki Quotes)
Unless it grows out of yourself no knowledge is really yours, it is only borrowed plumage (DT Suzuki Quotes)
To point at the moon a finger is needed, but woe to those who take the finger for the moon (DT Suzuki Quotes)