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Dubai Quotes

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Dubai will never settle for anything less than first place  (Dubai Quotes) No nation has embraced Total Quality Management, e-commerce and e-government with greater enthusiasm than Dubai. Such innovations have given Dubai a competitive edge and an accelerated growth rate that few could match  (Dubai Quotes) I grew up in Dubai, all my friends are there and I’m so used to it. It’s such an over-the-top kind of place. It’s really fun to perform there.  (Dubai Quotes) I’ve been many times to Dubai and the U.A.E., and I have friends that live there. It would be exciting to stage world heavyweight championship fights in the Arab world. It’s something Muhammad Ali achieved when he fought in Zaire or the Philippines. It’s absolutely exciting to fight in countries where you have never fought.  (Dubai Quotes) We launched it in the London branch - phenomenal sausages, incredible eggs, homemade baked beans, black pudding - and it’s something I wanted to bring to Dubai.  (Dubai Quotes) The U.A.E. is a firm ally of the United States and deserves better treatment than it received in the Dubai Ports World fiasco in 2006.  (Dubai Quotes) Kuwait City is not gorgeous, actually, but it’s got a kind of Epcot Center thing going for it. It’s not pretty. But it’s striking, I’ll give it that. It’s not as over-the-top as Abu Dhabi or Dubai. But nearly.  (Dubai Quotes) In a VR setting, you tilt your head up, and you really have the vertigo and the sense that it goes up to infinity, and it’s like you’re in New York City or Dubai, and you’re looking up at a giant skyscraper. You have a sense of awe.  (Dubai Quotes) I hope I’m one of many to come in the Dubai World Cup, and hope I see more women making it at this level. There are a lot of great female jockeys.  (Dubai Quotes)