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Dubstep Quotes

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I don’t think I represent all things dubstep. I just like clubbing, so those are the sounds I’ve chosen to work with  (Dubstep Quotes) Dubstep has everything for me. Rhythm, sound design, heartfelt emotion - all in one place  (Dubstep Quotes) I couldn’t make a real drum’n’bass or dubstep record to save my life. But I can be influenced by them in small ways  (Dubstep Quotes) I feel like there’s a young generation of producers who are taking inspiration from dubstep but trying to push it in other directions  (Dubstep Quotes) I saw someone label me as a dubstep producer but I’m definitely not a dubstep producer. There’s nothing wrong with that, though, because that’s major. But it’s like a school bus driver being labeled as a NASCAR driver. I would love to be a NASCAR driver, but I drive buses for a living.  (Dubstep Quotes) I’ve been asked a lot about the state of dubstep in America, and everyone wants me to say something controversial, but I have no negative feelings toward anything, really.  (Dubstep Quotes) Dubstep has been big in the UK for years. I’m fine with hearing a dubstep drop in any song.  (Dubstep Quotes)