Dull Quotes

Text Quotes
What America demands in her black champions is a brilliant, powerful body and a dull, bestial mind (Dull Quotes)
I think photography has made us see the landscape in a very dull way - that’s one of its effects. It’s not spatial (Dull Quotes)
My books are better thought about than read. They’re insanely dull and unreadable.But they’re wonderful to talk about and think about, to dip in and out of, to hold, to have on your shelf (Dull Quotes)
Repeat the truth so that the dull can grasp it! Repeat the truth with the speed of a woodpecker’s beak making holes in tree trunks! (Dull Quotes)
That’s the trouble with you sad-city types: a place has to be miserable and dull as ditchwater before you believe it’s real (Dull Quotes)
Wanderlust is not unheard of in our kind; it comes upon us now and then. When you can live forever, staying in one place can come to seem a dull prison after many, many years (Dull Quotes)
Music journalists are some of the lazy, most uninspired, dull people I’ve ever met (Dull Quotes)
I learn the whole time. I think it would be dull if I thought I was going to work and wouldn’t find something new. We always learn (Dull Quotes)
Roses are dull, violets are crying, on the outside I’m happy. But on the inside I’m dying (Dull Quotes)
I hope being really stoned doesn’t dull your excitement over the legalization of marijuana (Dull Quotes)
The best is yet to come. Don’t allow your life to become dull. Keep dreaming, hoping and planning (Dull Quotes)
It’s so boring when you’re not here. It makes it dull in the atmosphere. I hate when you’re not by my side. Oh I feel so left behind (Dull Quotes)
I maintain that many an inventor, many a diplomat, many a financier is a sounder philosopher than all those who practice the dull craft of experimental psychology (Dull Quotes)
Mathematics was hard, dull work. Geography pleased me more. For dancing I was quite enthusiastic (Dull Quotes)
If you want a little fear and terror because your life is dull, get a future. Terrifying! (Dull Quotes)
I’m awful dull, but I hope I’ve beat out something nigh the rights of this at last. And so GOD bless you, dear old Pip, old chap, GOD bless you! (Dull Quotes)
In the winter, things are dead and dull, but then there is an explosion of life. That’s what He promises people who believe in His Son. That’s what all the Robertsons are banking on (Dull Quotes)
All work and no play makes jack. With enough jack, Jack needn’t be a dull boy (Dull Quotes)
People who live in quiet, remote places are apt to give good dinners. They are the oft-recurring excitement of an otherwise unemotional, dull existence. They linger, each of these dinners, in our palimpsest memories, each recorded clearly, so that it does not blot out the others (Dull Quotes)
A considreable portion of my high school trigonometry course was devoted to the solution of oblique triangles... I have still not had an excuse for using my talents for solving oblique triangles. If a professional mathematician never uses these dull techniques in a highly varied career, why must all high school students devote several weeks to the subject? (Dull Quotes)
I hate the word ‘ought’ - it always implies something dull, cold, and commonplace. The ‘ought nots’ of life are its pleasantest things (Dull Quotes)
That the north star is the brightest in the night sky. I’d guess about 9 out of 10 people think this. But it does not require a grant from the National Science Foundation to learn the answer. The North Star is not even in the top 40 in the night sky. It’s the 49th brightest star. Rather dull and boring by most measures (Dull Quotes)
Much of the stress and emptiness that haunt us can be traced back to our lack of attention to beauty. Internally, the mind becomes coarse and dull if it remains unvisited by images and thoughts that hold the radiance of beauty (Dull Quotes)
Self-similarity is a dull subject because you are used to very familiar shapes. But that is not the case. Now many shapes which are self-similar again, the same seen from close by and far away, and which are far from being straight or plane or solid (Dull Quotes)
The first thing I do after work is take off my TV makeup with a gentle cleanser. I also try to exfoliate twice a week. Waking up with dull, flaky skin is no way to start the day. (Dull Quotes)
Going back to Baltimore is awesome because all my friends still live there and there’s never a dull moment when you’re hanging out with your high-school friends. (Dull Quotes)
All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. But all play and no work makes him something worse. (Dull Quotes)
Perhaps it is this theory of all work and no play that has made the Marxist such a very dull boy (Dull Quotes)
All work and no play may make Jim a dull boy, but no work and all play makes Jim all kinds of a jackass. (Dull Quotes)
The audience will always forgive you for being wrong and exciting, but never for being right and dull. (Dull Quotes)