Dull Quotes

Text Quotes
I am but too conscious of the fact that we are born in an age when only the dull are treated seriously, and I live in terror of not being misunderstood (Dull Quotes)
To believe is very dull. To doubt is intensely engrossing. To be on the alert is to live, to be lulled into security is to die (Dull Quotes)
Only people who look dull ever get into the House of Commons, and only people who are dull ever succeed there (Dull Quotes)
Great literature should do some good to the reader: must quicken his perception though dull, and sharpen his discrimination though blunt, and mellow the rawness of his personal opinions (Dull Quotes)
I am writing a book about the Crusades so dull that I can scarcely write it (Dull Quotes)
As a real person, he wouldn't last a minute, would he? But drama is about imperfection. and we've moved away from the aspirational hero. We got tired of it, it was dull. If I was House's friend, I would hate it. How he so resolutely refuses to be happy or take the kind-hearted road. But we don't always like morally good people, do we? (Dull Quotes)
With that dull, rooted, callous impudence, which, dead to shame, and every nicer sense, never blushed, unless in spreading vice's snares, she blundered on some virtue unawares (Dull Quotes)
If those extra social brains are so potent, why after all do they effect so little? A dull police officer, with the machine behind him, can afford to laugh at most experiments in anarchy (Dull Quotes)
It is to be noted that when any part of this paper appears dull there is a design in it (Dull Quotes)
The dead are likely dull fellows, full of tedious complaints - the ground's too cold, my gravestone should be larger, why does he get more worms than I do (Dull Quotes)
To the dull mind all nature is leaden. To the illumined mind the whole world burns and sparkles with light (Dull Quotes)
The pest of society are the egotist, they are dull and bright, sacred and profane, course and fine. It is a disease that like the flu falls on all constitutions (Dull Quotes)
The long, dull, monotonous years of middle aged prosperity or middle aged adversity are excellent campaigning weather for the devil (Dull Quotes)
He's of the colour of the nutmeg. And of the heat of the ginger.... he is pure air and fire; and the dull elements of earth and water never appear in him, but only in patient stillness while his rider mounts him; he is indeed a horse, and all other jades you may call beasts (Dull Quotes)
Like a dull actor now I have forgot my part and I am out, even to a full disgrace (Dull Quotes)
The difference between art about death and actual death is that one's a celebration and the other's a dull fact (Dull Quotes)
Though now this grained face of mine be hid in sap consuming winter's drizzled snow, and all the conduits of my blood froze up, yet hath my night of life some memory, my wasting lamps some fading glimmer left, my dull deaf ears a little use to hear (Dull Quotes)
Steed threatens steed, in high and boastful neighs piercing the night's dull ear; and from the tents the armorers accomplishing the knights, with busy hammers closing rivets up, give dreadful note of preparation (Dull Quotes)
Unblemished honor is the flower of virtue! The vivifying soul! And he who slights it will leave the other dull and lifeless dross (Dull Quotes)
Cold prayers shall never have any warm answers. God will suit His returns to our requests. Lifeless, services shall have lifeless answers. When men are dull, God will be dumb (Dull Quotes)
A dull head thinks of no better way to show himself wise, than by suspecting everything in his way (Dull Quotes)
There was a time when the reader of an unexciting newspaper would remark, 'How dull is the world today!' Nowadays he says, 'What a dull newspaper!' (Dull Quotes)
By the anxieties and worries of this life Satan tries to dull man's heart and make a dwelling for himself there (Dull Quotes)
Cut if you will with sleep's dull knife, the years from off your life, my friend! the years that death takes off my life, he'll take from off the other end! (Dull Quotes)
Their dull ribaldry must be offensive to any one who does not, for the sake of the sin, pardon the ugliness of its circumstances (Dull Quotes)
Can storied urn, or animated bust back to its mansion call the fleeting breath? Can honour’s voice provoke the silent dust, or flatt’ry soothe the dull cold ear of death? (Dull Quotes)
Society was nothing but a long, dull dinner party conversation in which one was forced to speak to one’s partner on both the left and the right (Dull Quotes)
I stupidly ignored education completely. I found it dull and I preferred to cause chaos and have fun. I regret this massively now (Dull Quotes)
It is a sign of a dull nature to occupy oneself deeply in matters that concern the body; for instance, to be over much occupied about exercise, about eating and drinking, about easing oneself, about sexual intercourse (Dull Quotes)
Killing yourself is a major commitment, it takes a kind of courage. Most people just lead lives of cowardly desperation. It’s kinda half suicide where you just dull yourself with substances (Dull Quotes)