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Dullard Quotes

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A frightful dialect for the stupid, the pedant and dullard sort  (Dullard Quotes) Dullard: Someone who looks up a thing in the encyclopedia, turns directly to the entry, reads it, and then closes the book  (Dullard Quotes) The dullard finds even wine tasteless, while the sorcerer is intoxicated by the mere sight of water  (Dullard Quotes) The dullard sees no eros in fine champagne; the sorcerer can fall intoxicated on a glass of water  (Dullard Quotes) The egalitarian doctrine is manifestly contrary to all the facts established by biology and by history. Only fanatical partisans of this theory can contend that what distinguishes the genius from the dullard is entirely the effect of postnatal influences  (Dullard Quotes) I never liked my father. He really was a dullard and misanthrope. My mother and he were married for 22, years and it was an ill match. She encouraged me to be a writer. She opened her home to black friends, and this was the 1950s. She didn’t care later when I write about her.  (Dullard Quotes)