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Dummy Quotes

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Dummy, dummy, go out now and fill your tummy  (Dummy Quotes) Of course, I’m no dummy  (Dummy Quotes) My goal was to prove to my family I wasn’t a dummy  (Dummy Quotes) Colloquial poetry is to the real art as the barber's wax dummy is to sculpture  (Dummy Quotes) I was a dummy in school  (Dummy Quotes) I am no dummy, mate, that’s for sure  (Dummy Quotes) I think maybe one reason why ventriloquists are looked down on is because it’s very difficult to be funny. I think what happens is that people get a dummy, they learn the technique of ventriloquism, they memorize the script, they think they’re in show business.  (Dummy Quotes) Would you buy a book proudly stating on the cover that its reader is a dummy? Or would you think of course it’s ironic?  (Dummy Quotes) I think there’s a lot of, unfortunately, unfunny ventriloquists out there, so they’ve got a bad rap. It came after Edgar Bergen because everybody had a little cheeky boy dummy like Charlie McCarthy, and everybody decided to become a ventriloquist because Bergen had popularized it. He brought it back from the doldrums of vaudeville.  (Dummy Quotes) Colloquial poetry is to the real art as the barber’s wax dummy is to sculpture  (Dummy Quotes) Black people have this thing about calling themselves apes and monkeys I know they get real (whatever) and I don’t blame em’. But I feel like I’m a brute. I am, but I’m smart though. I’m not a dummy  (Dummy Quotes) Just like every kid who comes into show business on some level, I used to put shows on in my basement. I even started with doing tricks and having a ventriloquist dummy  (Dummy Quotes) We’ve acknowledge that your apology wasn’t valid because that’s not how you apologise, therefore you still haven’t apologised, dummy  (Dummy Quotes) I saw the Nutcracker to be a dummy as I thought of its mouth moving like a nutcracker - and also find them pretty scary as they almost have a life of their own  (Dummy Quotes) Find her, blind her, see who designed her. Act like a dummy until you grind her  (Dummy Quotes) Broadly speaking, most people lived their lives in a kind of unwilling conformity. The thing was that they were offered, as time went by, various kinds of freedom, most of which were sort of dummy freedoms somehow  (Dummy Quotes) You could either ignore this advice, or take it from me:Be too nice, and people take you for a dummy  (Dummy Quotes) It’s true, you can never eat a pet you name. And anyway, it would be like a ventriloquist eating his dummy  (Dummy Quotes)