Duncan Quotes

Text Quotes
Besides, this Duncan Hath borne his faculties so meek, hath been So clear in his great office, that his virtues Will plead like angels, trumpet - tongu'd, against the deep damnation of his taking off (Duncan Quotes)
Duncan is in his grave; after life's fitful fever he sleeps well; treason has done his worst: nor steel, nor poison, malice domestic, foreign levy, nothing Can touch him further! (Duncan Quotes)
I go, and it is done. The bell invites me. Hear it not, duncan, for it is a knell That summons thee to heaven, or to hell (Duncan Quotes)
I play against a front and a back every night, Ming does not have to do that, Duncan does not have to do that, Garnett doesn’t do that. I am the only one that has to do that (Duncan Quotes)
Duncan Aldrich has been my partner in most recording projects, and touring projects, for the past decade (Duncan Quotes)
Duncan Sheik and I are trucking along on ‘American Psycho,’ which is sort of the anti-Superman, you know? But it’s a lot of fun, too, in a much, much darker way, obviously. (Duncan Quotes)
My mother was a Bloomsbury figure: a great friend of TS Eliot, Duncan Grant, Vanessa Bell. My grandmother, Mary Hutchinson, gave her life to works of art, being an admirer of Matisse and Giaometti, whom I collected as a young man because of her. (Duncan Quotes)
Could there be a more hilarious sad sack than Duncan Leland, whose trials and tribulations, so wittily conveyed, had me laughing (and wincing) from the first page? Hart’s Maine landscape is rich with eccentric characters, dried fish, and other surprising and original treasures. While Duncan sinks, the reader will float on a cloud nine of classy entertainment. (Duncan Quotes)
I did a 20-minute selection of scenes from the play ‘Spring Awakening’ in college, well before the musical came around, so when the musical was becoming a hot thing, and I was reading interviews with Duncan Sheik about how he came to do the music, I think it’s interesting. (Duncan Quotes)
I don’t make a concerted effort to distinguish myself as Duncan D. Hunter versus Duncan Hunter. I just do my own thing. That’s good enough for me. (Duncan Quotes)
Arne Duncan is done more to bring our educational system, sometimes kicking and screaming, into the 21st century than anyone else. (Duncan Quotes)
I love to photograph the tools of one’s trade: Duncan Grant’s paintbrushes, the typewriter of Herman Hesse, or even my own guitar, a 1957 Fender Duo-Sonic. (Duncan Quotes)