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Duster Quotes

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I may have a feather duster down my pants  (Duster Quotes) Invest in a feather duster - the possibilities are endless  (Duster Quotes) The broom wasn’t as comforting as a flamethrower would have been, but it was better than a mop and certainly more threatening than a feather duster  (Duster Quotes) And than suddenly he was there, charging down the hallway like death in a cowboy duster  (Duster Quotes) You managed to get him a duster, but you couldn’t find me a pair of jeans?  (Duster Quotes) There was a look of woe on his face that was almost comical. Raids, bullets, criminals... no problem. A missing duster? Crisis  (Duster Quotes) The best job was when I was at drama school and I cleaned flats in the Barbican. I loved it. They were spotless anyway, so you’d just watch the telly and flick a duster around  (Duster Quotes) Cleaning is therapy for me. I’m not ashamed of holding the duster or broom.  (Duster Quotes) The best job was when I was at drama school and I cleaned flats in the Barbican. I loved it. They were spotless anyway, so you’d just watch the telly and flick a duster around.  (Duster Quotes)