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Dying Quotes

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Look at you, you madman! Screaming you are thirsty and dying in a desert, when all around you there is nothing but water!  (Dying Quotes) And on his brest a bloodie crosse he bore, the deare remembrance of his dying Lord, for whose sweete sake that glorious badge he wore  (Dying Quotes) Death is the ultimate enemy - and I find nothing reproachable in those who rage mightily against the dying of the light  (Dying Quotes) I preached as never sure to preach again, and as a dying man to dying men  (Dying Quotes) People with HIV are still stigmatized. The infection rates are going up. People are dying. The political response is appalling. The sadness of it, the waste  (Dying Quotes) I think fine dining is dying out everywhere... but I think there will be - and there has to always be - room for at least a small number of really fine, old-school fine-dining restaurants  (Dying Quotes) Gather ye rose buds while ye may, old time is still a-flying; and this same flower that smiles today, tomorrow will be dying  (Dying Quotes) This dying forces you to look into yourself. And in this, compassion is the only way. Love is the only way  (Dying Quotes) It is my living sentiment, and by the blessing of God it shall be my dying sentiment, Independence now and Independence forever  (Dying Quotes) I wish, sir, you would practice this without me. I can’t stay dying here all night  (Dying Quotes) Let thy hope of heaven master thy fear of death. Why shouldst thou be afraid to die, who hopest to live by dying!  (Dying Quotes) O great creator of being grant us one more hour to perform our art and perfect our lives the moths and atheists are doubly divine and dying We live, we die and death not ends it  (Dying Quotes) Some of you are probably thinking that you may panic and run. You will not! Others are worried about dying. Some of you will. But all men die. No one ever gets out of this life alive  (Dying Quotes) Fannius, as he was fleeing from the enemy, put himself to death. Is not this, I ask, madness - to die, for fear of dying?  (Dying Quotes) Not till the fire is dying in the grate, look we for any kinship with the stars  (Dying Quotes) In the end, death came uniformly to all, and all extracted as much satisfaction from their dying as this essentially graceless process could afford  (Dying Quotes) Indeed, she often wondered if she were dead, or dying from the inside out, and that was the root of her calm, the reason she could surrender her character  (Dying Quotes) A number of cases have been reported in which a dying individual has a vision of a person about whose death he or she did not know  (Dying Quotes) Dying before dying has two important consequences: It liberates the individual from the fear of death and influences the actual experience of dying at the time of biological demise  (Dying Quotes) Even if we die at 100, we’re still dying young. I want at least 700 years. There’s a lot of travelling and books to read and movies to see. I’m not going to squeeze it all in in 85 years  (Dying Quotes) I don’t think the public is dying to see me necessarily be funny all the time  (Dying Quotes) I had assumed that I would age with all my friends growing old around me, dying off very gradually one by one. And here was a plague that cut them off so early  (Dying Quotes) I was a teacher for a long time. I taught at a community college: voice, theory, humanities. And nowadays, music education is a dying thing. Funding is being cut more and more and more  (Dying Quotes) If I die a violent death, as some fear and a few are plotting, I know that the violence will be in the thought and the action of the assassins, not in my dying  (Dying Quotes) Male privilege and entitlement are dying a very painful death; no one gives up power without a struggle  (Dying Quotes) Meanwhile, our young men and women whose economic circumstances make military service a viable career choice are dying bravely in a war with no end in sight  (Dying Quotes) One life is all we have and we live it as we believe in living it. But to sacrifice what you are and to live without belief, that is a fate more terrible than dying  (Dying Quotes) The sublimity of wisdom is to do those things living, which are to be desired when dying  (Dying Quotes) I always want to learn but I am sure on my dying day I will feel like I left something in the bucket  (Dying Quotes) Do the unexpected. Take 20 minutes out of your day, do what young people all over the world are dying to do: vote  (Dying Quotes)
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