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Dying Quotes

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It is the duty of a doctor to prolong life and it is not his duty to prolong the act of dying  (Dying Quotes) We achieve active mastery over illness and death by delegating all responsibility for their management to physicians, and by exiling the sick and the dying to hospitals. But hospitals serve the convenience of staff not patients: we cannot be properly ill in a hospital, nor die in one decently; we can do so only among those who love and value us. The result is the institutionalized dehumanization of the ill, characteristic of our age  (Dying Quotes) Do you know a book that you are willing to put under your head for a pillow when you lie dying? Very well; that is the book you want to study while you are living. There is but one such book in the world  (Dying Quotes) There are dreadful punishments enacted against thieves, but it were much better to make such good provisions by which every man might be put in a method how to live, and so be preserved from the fatal necessity of stealing and of dying for it  (Dying Quotes) For me, being a woman suits what I want to talk about and what my audience wants to hear. Maybe I’m a dying breed  (Dying Quotes) I just don’t do anything fun anymore. But, that’s dying, isn’t it? I mean, you die in stages, right? You let things go in pieces  (Dying Quotes) I love music videos, I really do. I think it’s kind of sad that it’s a dying art form  (Dying Quotes) All my life’s about is cracking up people and them cracking me up and trying not to think about dying. That doesn’t cost very much money  (Dying Quotes) I am not afraid of dying. I have lived longer than most people in the world. What scares me is to have a body that works but a brain that is waving goodbye. If that happens, I hope I die quickly  (Dying Quotes) I do fear death. But what I actually fear is not dying. I mean, true, it will be sad. But I know that there is a better place waiting for me  (Dying Quotes) If you can get yourself where you’re not afraid of dying, then you can move forward a lot faster  (Dying Quotes) I am dying: it’s a beautiful word. Like the long slow sigh of the cello: dying. But the sound of it is the only beautiful thing about it  (Dying Quotes) He wanted to pay her; he thought women ought to be paid for keeping men from dying or going out of their minds  (Dying Quotes) He wondered if he might be in love, but realized it was far more likely he was dying  (Dying Quotes) The fact that he had foamed at the mouth immediately upon dying, indicated that he had a great back jam of wishes and desires and truths that were never spoken... out bubbled all the words he had swallowed when he was alive  (Dying Quotes) Is she become a rag doll? Are the wolves become children? It seems quite possible, there on the twilight fringes of dying. With some faint spark of herself, the little girl holds on to the idea. Even a rag doll has more life than does a dying child  (Dying Quotes) Nothing can happen more than once, but everything must happen one day; Over hill and dale, wood and stream, my dying voice will blow away  (Dying Quotes) What a nasty act of cruelty, giving a dying man his last wish. Don’t you realize he doesn’t want it? His real wish is not to die  (Dying Quotes) This is the secret that none dares tell who fights for a cause. Dying, we are all alike  (Dying Quotes) ... I started to die 36 hours before I was born, so dying was a way of life for me  (Dying Quotes) Why do there have to be men like that, men who enjoy another man’s dying?  (Dying Quotes) We must eschew anything trivial. We must embrace all that is frivolous... Trivial things take up all your time and dull your senses, whereas frivolity is meaningful, profound, worth living and dying for... If we devote our lives to frivolity, the world will be a far, far better place. Humanity will be better able to fulfill its primary goal, that of having a good time  (Dying Quotes) You can choose to die. You can choose to run... but dying alone won’t change a thing. Trust me on that one. If you really want things to change... you’re going to have to live  (Dying Quotes) Come now, don’t make such a funeral face. It isn’t dying that’s sad; it’s living when you’re not happy  (Dying Quotes) Staring in the darkness, trying to sleep. My body was aching with tiredness. My limbs were numb. My sightless eyes were crazed with light/ I was dying of oblivion, but it wouldn’t come. I didn’t think I’ve ever sleep again  (Dying Quotes) A community that is growing rich and seeks only to defend its goods and its reputation is dying. It has ceased to grow in love. A community is alive when it is poor and its members feel they have to work together and remain united, if only to ensure that they can all eat tomorrow!  (Dying Quotes) I tried. I tried to burn that memory of my regret. But I wasn’t dead yet, I was just on my way to dying, and it’s harder to burn memories when you’ve still got life left. When you’re alive you have to learn how to live with things like regret  (Dying Quotes) All I know is that I have two choices – stay wrapped in blankets and get on with dying, or get the list back together and get on with living  (Dying Quotes) In her mind’s eye she saw it, saw it all at last: the rolling armies and the flames of battle; the graves and pits and dying cries of a hundred million souls; the spreading darkness, like a black wing stretching over the earth; the last, bitter hours of cruelty and sorrow, and the terrible, final flights; death’s great dominion over all, and, at the last, empty cities, becalmed by the silence of a hundred years. Already these things were coming to pass  (Dying Quotes) Dying is so simple. A fleeting moment of suffering. In the blink of an eye you are over the threshold, into another world. No more pain, no more fears. You sleep so well there. Dying is like rubbing snow together, setting fire to a whole winter of cold and ice  (Dying Quotes)
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