Dying Quotes

Text Quotes
We must work to reshape the need for our children to want to live so fast even if it means dying too young. (Dying Quotes)
It’s incredibly important to me that my children don’t put anything in their bodies that they haven’t tested first - that’s how you end up dying. (Dying Quotes)
As the sun is best seen at his rising and setting, so men’s native dispositions are clearest seen when they are children, and when they are dying. (Dying Quotes)
My wife never look at me anymore, my children, my wife ... we only die once in our life. I’m dying every day when I get up in the morning. (Dying Quotes)
In large part, thanks to widespread immunization, the number of young children dying each year has declined significantly, from approximately 14 million in 1979 to slightly less than eight million in 2010. (Dying Quotes)
If I do a poetry reading I want people to walk out and say they feel better for having been there - not because you’ve done a comedy performance but because you’re talking about your father dying or having young children, things that touch your soul. (Dying Quotes)
My father, never chooses me for anything. If you needed a kidney and I offered him mine, well, pfft. Well, he’d take it ‘cos he was dying. It’s not that he doesn’t love me, ‘cos he does. It’s just that special kind of love that feels like neglect. (Dying Quotes)
I work with the options I have in front of me and my reasons for choosing a job can vary enormously depending on the circumstances. Sometimes I take a job because it’s a group of people I’m dying to work with, and sometimes it can be a desire to shake things up a bit and not to take myself too seriously. (Dying Quotes)
I am dying soon, and I am choosing to have fun today, tomorrow and every other day I have left (Dying Quotes)
Jesus Christ never died for our good works. They were not worth dying for. But he gave himself for our sins, according to the Scriptures. (Dying Quotes)
Daily Christian living, in other words, is daily Christian dying: dying to our trivial comforts, soul-shrinking conveniences, arrogant preferences, and self-centered entitlements, and living for something much larger than what makes us comfortable and safe. (Dying Quotes)
The federal government overrules state laws where state laws permit medicinal marijuana for people dying of cancer. The federal government goes in and arrests these people, put them in prison with mandatory, sometimes life sentences. This war on drugs is totally out of control. If you want to regulate cigarettes and alcohol and drugs, it should be at the state level. (Dying Quotes)
It amazes me to witness the masochism with which some journalists characterize their industry as a dying species. The future belongs to citizen journalism and blogs. (Dying Quotes)
Ageing’s a difficult thing, moving closer to death, but it’s okay. I’ve had a good time living, so I’m gonna have a good time dying. (Dying Quotes)
Close the door by leaving. Close the mouth by dying ... (Ferme la porte en partant. - Ferme la bouche en mourant ...) (Dying Quotes)
I wish I had a memory of that first violent shove, the shock of cold air, the sting of oxygen into new lungs. Everyone should remember being born. It doesn’t seem fair that we only remember dying. (Dying Quotes)
If I got the option of going into outer space and hanging out there for a day and then coming back home and dying the next day, or just waiting around to see if there’s any opportunity for the technology to develop so that I might experience outer space sometime in the future, I would probably take the ride today and die tomorrow. (Dying Quotes)
I make a new discovery that totally blows; dying is the easy part. It’s coming back to life that sucks. (Dying Quotes)
It is early, early morning. It’s that time when it’s still dark but you know the day is coming. Blue is bleeding through black. Stars are dying. (Dying Quotes)
So smoking is the perfect way to commit suicide without actually dying. I smoke because it’s bad, it’s really simple. (Dying Quotes)
The local music community here was dying for a place to record, so we started doing acoustic, folk and bluegrass and then did rock projects for other bands, as well as for my son Tal and my own work. (Dying Quotes)
Dying well is easy,it only takes a moment of courage. It’s living well that I couldn’t do. What’s death compared to that. (Dying Quotes)
There’s this parallel, perhaps less conscious desire, which is to numb myself to the world. To deal with the world tomorrow. Living is difficult. Dying is difficult. (Dying Quotes)
We always look at the ‘Fortune ,’ and we say, men in power, but we don’t look at the glass cellar as opposed to the glass ceiling and say, men also are the homeless, men are also the ones that are the garbage collectors. Men are also the ones dying in construction sites that aren’t properly supervised for safety hazards. (Dying Quotes)
You might think there is nothing more patriotic than dying for your country, but I think there is nothing more patriotic than living for your country. (Dying Quotes)
War isn’t just about bravery and courage and jingoism and patriotism. It’s also fundamentally about grief. And the people that go and do the fighting and the dying are never the people who actually benefit from the fighting and the dying. (Dying Quotes)
History is replete with instances of men, who, by dying with courage and compassion on their lips converted the hearts of their violent opponents. (Dying Quotes)
There were worse things than death, as she’d discovered. Sometimes living took far more courage. Facing another day. Enduring. Those things took strength. Far more than dying. (Dying Quotes)
As soldiers need not only courage but tactics also, so does a philosopher need not only courage and philosophy but discernment also, to tell what his right time of dying is - so that he neither seek it nor flee it. (Dying Quotes)
All my life’s about is cracking up people and them cracking me up and trying not to think about dying. That doesn’t cost very much money. (Dying Quotes)