Dying Quotes

Text Quotes
Life is one passage and then you keep moving into another state. It’s like you might be reborn, but the process of being born you won’t remember - the same way that the dying process is a slow movement from consciousness to unconsciousness. (Dying Quotes)
We’re all dying. We’re all in the process of oxidizing. Everyone of us is in the process of oxidizing, so to sort of interrupt one aspect of that while everything else goes on, it’s a freak show. (Dying Quotes)
O Time with your teethy years! You swallow up all things little by little in a slow-motion, wrinkling process of dying. (Dying Quotes)
I don’t think I’ve ever been particularly scared of death - but scared of dying, the process. It doesn’t seem to be a good way of doing it. (Dying Quotes)
But in dying so suddenly her mother had become a riddle at the gate instead of the road you walked to get there. (Dying Quotes)
What is this?! I couldn’t die back when I would’ve been glad to die anywhere, anytime, but now that dying would take hardly any effort, suddenly I can’t afford to yet? What the hell am I supposed to do? (Dying Quotes)
When you know you are dying, self-deceptions fly from your bedside like embers off a bonfire (Dying Quotes)
Once self-killing is an acceptable answer, how do you logically limit it to the dying? What about the disabled, who may live longer and suffer more? (Dying Quotes)
The closer you get to death, the more alive you feel. Dylan Thomas wrote, Do not go gentle into that good night. Rage, rage against the dying of the light. My dad always taught me to live like that. Dad wrote a poem too. It goes, Dune buggies. Woohoo! (Dying Quotes)
The sensation of dying is sweet, sensuous, placid. It is the easiest thing in the world to die. The hardest is to live. (Dying Quotes)
I just want to see how long I can keep this thing going. The easiest thing is dying. Living is a a pain in the butt (Dying Quotes)
It was from an old friend who thought he was dying. Anyway, he said, ‘Life and death issues don’t come along that often, thank God, so don’t treat everything like it’s life or death. Go easier.’ (Dying Quotes)
Your muscles know nothing. It’s your brain. Exercise is something you’ve got to do the rest of your life. It’s a lifestyle. Dying is easy. Living is a pain in the neck. You’ve got to work at it. (Dying Quotes)
Dying young is the easy way out. It’s much harder to keep your edge and keep it going. (Dying Quotes)
I start the day with oatmeal with vanilla almond milk. If I don’t, I’m dying by noon and eating everything in sight. On-set, I avoid crap and pack soup and salad. I cook pork chops or turkey tacos for dinner. (Dying Quotes)
I was taking care of people my age who were dying. The constant feeling, hearing from them, was that life is transient and can end very quickly, so don’t postpone your dreams. (Dying Quotes)
Without question, dying on ‘Lost’ was the best thing I have ever done in my entire career (Dying Quotes)
I’m not resigned, but I’m realistic too. The statistics in my case are very poor. Not many people come through esophageal cancer and live to talk about it, or not for long. And the other wager is, the part of the wager, it’s a certainty you’ll have a terrible time and you may wish you were dying because it’s an awful process. (Dying Quotes)
It’s a basic truth of the human condition that everybody lies. The only variable is about what. The weird thing about telling someone they’re dying is it tends to focus their priorities. You find out what matters to them. What they’re willing to die for. What they’re willing to lie for. (Dying Quotes)
Dying ain’t important. Everyone does that. What’s important is how well you do your living. (Dying Quotes)
We’re living or dying. We’re already dead, the living dead. So do what you gotta do. Take care of your family, of yourself as a whole, and everything will be alright. (Dying Quotes)
We are all dying and we all have some anxiety about it. And so people are more scared of dying than they are of drugs. If we can show that people who are facing death can be assisted with psychedelics that’s a powerful message. (Dying Quotes)
Facing death calmly is praiseworthy only if one faces it alone. Death together is no longer death, even for unbelievers. The source of sorrows lies not in leaving life, but in leaving that which gives it meaning. When love is our whole life, what difference is there between living together and dying together ? (Dying Quotes)
Death is a fact of life, no matter where you live. Taking care of the dying is a necessity everywhere. Those are not conditions exclusive to small towns. (Dying Quotes)
In Fall Out Boy, I noticed that I wasn’t putting all that much soul into it. It was just kind of screaming, I guess. I was just dying to get out of there! (Dying Quotes)
Our globe is under new dramatic environmental pressure: our globe is warming, our ice caps melting, our glaciers receding, our coral is dying, our soils are eroding, our water tables falling, our fisheries are being depleted, our remaining rainforests shrinking. Something is very, very wrong with our eco-system. (Dying Quotes)
Dying in the sanitary environment of a hospital is a relatively new concept. In the late 19th century, dying at a hospital was reserved for people who had nothing and no one. Given the choice, a person wanted to die at home in their bed, surrounded by friends and family. (Dying Quotes)
A famous actor, Edmund Kean, on his deathbed, was reported to have said, Dying is easy. Comedy is hard. (Dying Quotes)
Your father died for me, and dying with you would be an honor, though not as great as dying to save you. (Dying Quotes)
Dare to be honest and fear no labor. ... Opera is where a man gets stabbed in the back, and instead of dying, he sings. (Dying Quotes)