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Dynasties Quotes

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The right song can turn an emperor into a laughingstock, can bring down dynasties  (Dynasties Quotes) The style of ancient Egyptian art is transcendently clear, something 8 year olds can recognize in an instant. Its consistency and codification is one of the most epic visual journeys in all art, one that lasts 30 dynasties spread over 3,000 years  (Dynasties Quotes) How many wars have been caused by fits of indigestion, and how many more dynasties have been upset by the love of woman than by the hate of man?  (Dynasties Quotes) Evolution on the large scale unfolds, like much of human history, as a succession of dynasties  (Dynasties Quotes) All the other large and small nationalities and peoples are destined to perish before long in the revolutionary world storm... The next world war will result in the disappearance from the face of the earth not only of reactionary classes and dynasties, but also of entire reactionary peoples. And that, too, is a step forward  (Dynasties Quotes) All forms of government symbolize an immortal government, common to all dynasties and independent of numbers, perfect where two men exist, perfect where there is only one man  (Dynasties Quotes) The estate taxes, on balance, are good. They get people to give money to charity, and they prevent these family dynasties which keep other people from having opportunities. It may be good for a family, but for society it’s probably not good. And I’ve always been in favor of having an estate tax  (Dynasties Quotes) The style of ancient Egyptian art is transcendently clear, something 8-year-olds can recognize in an instant. Its consistency and codification is one of the most epic visual journeys in all art, one that lasts 30 dynasties spread over 3,000 years.  (Dynasties Quotes)