E M Forster Quotes

Text Quotes
Yes, oh dear, yes, the novel tells a story (E M Forster Quotes)
Nature pulls one way and human nature another (E M Forster Quotes)
Though life is very glorious, it is difficult (E M Forster Quotes)
A work of art is never finished. It is merely abandoned (E M Forster Quotes)
The bully and the victim never quite forget their first relations (E M Forster Quotes)
... there are shadows because there are hills (E M Forster Quotes)
You confuse what’s important with what’s impressive (E M Forster Quotes)
It’s not what people do to you, but what they mean, that hurts (E M Forster Quotes)
When love flies it is remembered not as love but as something else (E M Forster Quotes)
Human beings have their great chance in the novel (E M Forster Quotes)
One person with passion is better than forty people merely interested (E M Forster Quotes)
Don’t be mysterious; there isn’t the time (E M Forster Quotes)
Man can learn everything if he will but try (E M Forster Quotes)
... though nothing is damaged, everything is changed (E M Forster Quotes)
There’s never any great risk as long as you have money (E M Forster Quotes)
Men were not gods after all, but as human and as clumsy as girls (E M Forster Quotes)
He had shown her all the workings of his soul, mistaking this for love (E M Forster Quotes)
The historian records, but the novelist creates (E M Forster Quotes)
A novel must give a sense of permanence as well as a sense of life (E M Forster Quotes)
Science is better than sympathy, if only it is science (E M Forster Quotes)
Money pads the edges of things (E M Forster Quotes)
Are not beauty and delicacy the same? (E M Forster Quotes)
In the creative state a man is taken out of himself (E M Forster Quotes)
Only connect!... Only connect the prose and the passion (E M Forster Quotes)
I know by experience that the poets are right: love is eternal (E M Forster Quotes)
It isn’t possible to love and to part (E M Forster Quotes)
Give, do not lend; after death who will thank you? (E M Forster Quotes)
The kingdom of music is not the kingdom of this world (E M Forster Quotes)
Railway termini are our gates to the glorious and the unknown (E M Forster Quotes)
It is the starved imagination, not the well nourished, that is afraid (E M Forster Quotes)