E M Forster Quotes

Text Quotes
At the moment they vanished they were everywhere, the cool benediction of the night descended, the stars sparkled, and the whole universe was a hill (E M Forster Quotes)
Of course he despised the world as a whole; every thoughtful man should; it is almost a test of refinement (E M Forster Quotes)
Characters must not brood too long. They must not waste time running up and down ladders in their own insides (E M Forster Quotes)
I have said that each aspect of the novel demands a different quality of the reader. Well, the prophetic aspect demands two qualities: humility and the suspension of the sense of humour (E M Forster Quotes)
It makes a difference doesn’t it, whether we fully fence ourselves in, or whether we are fenced out by the barriers of others (E M Forster Quotes)
He doesn’t want you to be real, and to think and to live. He doesn’t love you. But I love you. I want you to have your own thoughts and ideas and feelings, even when I hold you in my arms (E M Forster Quotes)
Human relations are impossible. When they are real they are uncomfortable, and when they are comfortable they are unreal. It was for the journey into solitude that the human soul was created (E M Forster Quotes)
Men yearn for poetry though they may not confess it; they desire that joy shall be graceful and sorrow August and infinity have a form (E M Forster Quotes)
Growing old is an emotion which comes over us at almost any age; I had it myself between the ages of 25 and 30 (E M Forster Quotes)
I’m a holy man minus the holiness. Hand that on to your three spies, and tell them to put it in their pipes (E M Forster Quotes)
There is an aristocracy of the sensitive. They represent the true human tradition of permanent victory over cruelty and chaos (E M Forster Quotes)
Not only in sex, but in all things men have moved blindly, have evolved out of slime to dissolve into it when this accident of consequences is over (E M Forster Quotes)
I hate the idea of causes, and if I had to choose between betraying my country and betraying my friend, I hope I should have the guts to betray my country (E M Forster Quotes)
We must be willing to let go of the life we have planned, so as to have the life that is waiting for us (E M Forster Quotes)
The sadness of the incomplete, the sadness that is often Life, but should never be Art (E M Forster Quotes)
Reformers who are obsessed with purity and cannot see that their obsession is impure (E M Forster Quotes)
Beauty ought to look a little surprised: it is the emotion that best suits her face. The beauty who does not look surprised, who accepts her position as her due - she reminds us too much of a prima donna (E M Forster Quotes)
I am so used to seeing the sort of play which deals with one man and two women. They do not leave me with the feeling I have made a full theatrical meal they do not give me the experience of the multiplicity of life (E M Forster Quotes)
I distrust Great Men. They produce a desert of uniformity around them and often a pool of blood too, and I always feel a little man’s pleasure when they come a cropper (E M Forster Quotes)
Oxford is Oxford: not a mere receptacle for youth, like Cambridge. Perhaps it wants its inmates to love it rather than to love one another (E M Forster Quotes)
The historian must have some conception of how men who are not historians behave. Otherwise he will move in a world of the dead. He can only gain that conception through personal experience, and he can only use his personal experiences when he is a genius (E M Forster Quotes)
Life - No, I’ve nothing to teach you about it for the moment. May be writing about it another week (E M Forster Quotes)
A funeral is not death, any more than baptism is birth or marriage union. All three are the clumsy devices, coming now too late, now too early, by which Society would register the quick motions of man (E M Forster Quotes)
Lucy was suffering from the most grievous wrong which this world has yet discovered: diplomatic advantage had been taken of her sincerity, of her craving for sympathy and love. Such a wrong is not easily forgotten. Never again did she expose herself without due consideration and precaution against rebuff. And such a wrong may react disastrously upon the soul (E M Forster Quotes)
For a wonderful physical tie binds the parents to the children; and - by some sad, strange irony - it does not bind us children to our parents. For if it did, if we could answer their love not with gratitude but with equal love, life would lose much of its pathos and much of its squalor, and we might be wonderfully happy (E M Forster Quotes)
You do care a little for me, I know... but nothing to speak of, and you don’t love me. I was yours once till death if you’d cared to keep me, but I’m someone else’s now... and he’s mine in a way that shocks you, but why don’t you stop being shocked, and attend to your own happiness (E M Forster Quotes)
Why children?’ he asked. ‘Why always children? For love to end where it begins is far more beautiful, and Nature knows it (E M Forster Quotes)
It is easy to sympathize at a distance,’ said an old gentleman with a beard. ‘I value more the kind word that is spoken close to my ear (E M Forster Quotes)
Our final experience, like our first, is conjectural. We move between two darkness’s (E M Forster Quotes)
In the creative state a man is taken out of himself. He lets down as it were a bucket into his subconscious, and draws up something which is normally beyond his reach. He mixes this thing with his normal experiences and out of the mixture he makes a work of art (E M Forster Quotes)