E Stanley Jones Quotes
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Text Quotes
Worry and anxiety are sand in the machinery of life; faith is the oil (E Stanley Jones Quotes)
Nothing is ever really yours until you share it (E Stanley Jones Quotes)
Christianity not only saves you from sin, but from cynicism (E Stanley Jones Quotes)
Be so preoccupied with good will that you haven’t room for ill will (E Stanley Jones Quotes)
When you pray, you begin to feel the sense of being sent (E Stanley Jones Quotes)
If we know how to pray, we know how to live (E Stanley Jones Quotes)
Whatever we focus on determines what we become (E Stanley Jones Quotes)
In the prayer time, the battle of the spiritual life is lost or won (E Stanley Jones Quotes)
In the ordinary church, it is suppressed by respectability, by a desire to appear better than we really are (E Stanley Jones Quotes)
The conscious mind determines the actions, the unconscious mind determines the reactions; and the reactions are just as important as the actions (E Stanley Jones Quotes)
We are personalities in the making, limited, and grappling with things too high for us. Obviously we, at very best, will make many mistakes, but these mistakes need not be sins (E Stanley Jones Quotes)
To implant fear in the minds of children is a crime. If parents try to rule the child by fear, then fear rules the child (E Stanley Jones Quotes)
An individual gospel without a social gospel is a soul without a body and a social gospel without an individual gospel is a body without a soul. One is a ghost, the other a corpse (E Stanley Jones Quotes)
Our actions are the results of our intentions and our intelligence (E Stanley Jones Quotes)
A road that perhaps more than any other leads to self atrophy is undedicated money (E Stanley Jones Quotes)
Victorious living does not mean freedom from temptation, nor does it mean freedom from mistakes (E Stanley Jones Quotes)
We find, sooner or later, that in prayer we either abandon ourselves or we abandon prayer (E Stanley Jones Quotes)
Earth’s blackest day and earth’s brightest day are only three days apart (E Stanley Jones Quotes)
When we can sing in the face of death, we can sing in the face of anything (E Stanley Jones Quotes)
When prayer fades out, power fades out. We are as spiritual as we are prayerful; no more, no less (E Stanley Jones Quotes)
Suppose you should fail. Is that so terrible? Not to have tried is a worse failure (E Stanley Jones Quotes)
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