Each Other Quotes

Text Quotes
We humans are a complex interwoven system of the body, the mind, and the spirit. We are formed and informed by the interplay of these systems. Our health care, to be truly effective, must acknowledge and address this complexity and interconnectedness – and also the effect we have on each other (Each Other Quotes)
In my perfect world order, it is cold all the time. Everyone wears sweaters and drinks coffee. People don’t speak to each other; they read the newspaper. There is no loud music, and cats are in charge (Each Other Quotes)
I believe that the unity of mind and body is an objective reality. They are not just parts somehow related to each other, but an inseparable whole while functioning. A brain without a body could not think (Each Other Quotes)
For anyone in our industry, one of the toughest things about having a relationship is how much time you get to see each other. The fact that we see each other every day, no matter what, has really worked out nicely for us. She’s such a great girl. She makes what I do so much easier and so much more enjoyable (Each Other Quotes)
I thought about the meaning of pluralism in a world where the forces that seek to divide us are strong. I came to one conclusion: We have to save each other. It’s the only way to save ourselves (Each Other Quotes)
This is what I know about my parents. They spent the next several years trying to forget each other, and me (Each Other Quotes)
What does open us is sharing our vulnerabilities. Sometimes we see a couple who has done this difficult work over a lifetime. In the process, they have grown old together. We can sense the enormous comfort, the shared quality of ease between these people. It is beautiful, and very rare. Without this quality of openness and vulnerability, partners don’t really know each other; they are one image living with another image (Each Other Quotes)
Given one has before oneself a strong, healthy, youth rich in spirited blood and a powerless, weak, cachectic old man scarcely capable of breathing. If now the physician wishes to practise the rejuvenating art on the latter, he should make silver tubes which fit into each other: open then the artery of the healthy person and introduce one of the tubes into it and fasten it into the artery; thereupon he opens also the artery of the ill person (Each Other Quotes)
Can the difficulty of an exam be measured by how many bits of information a student would need to pass it? This may not be so absurd in the encyclopedic subjects but in mathematics it doesn’t make any sense since things follow from each other and, in principle, whoever knows the bases knows everything. All of the results of a mathematical theorem are in the axioms of mathematics in embryonic form, aren’t they? (Each Other Quotes)
We are all gifts to each other, and my own growth as a leader has shown me again and again that the most rewarding experiences come from my relationships (Each Other Quotes)
People come in and out of our lives to teach us. And we teach other people. It’s part of the process. They come in and they go out. Some stay for longer than others (Each Other Quotes)
Suffering itself is beloved: love and suffering are far closer to each other than love and pleasure (Each Other Quotes)
The coaches hate each other, the players hate each other... There’s no calling each other after the game and inviting each other out to dinner. But the feeling’s mutual: They don’t like us, and we don’t like them. There’s no need to hide it, they know it, and we know it. It’s going to be one of those black and blue games (Each Other Quotes)
If you caught your kid raising cats in tiny boxes, forcing them to live in their own feces without clean air or sunlight, pulling their teeth and claws out with pliers to keep them from hurting each other…you’d rush him to a psychiatrist. But you support that very behavior every time you buy meat, eggs, dairy or fur (Each Other Quotes)
Our actions are guaranteed to affect others. Because we are not alone in this world, much of our learning about ourselves comes from our interaction with others. Our relationships are our teachers. We learn from each other (Each Other Quotes)
It is not necessary to teach others, to cure them or to improve them; it is only necessary to live among them, sharing the human condition and being present to them in love (Each Other Quotes)
It oughtn’t to need a war to make us talk to each other in buses, and invent our own amusements in the evenings, and live simply, and eat sparingly, and recover the use of our legs, and get up early enough to see the sun rise. However, it has needed one: which is about the severest criticism our civilization could have (Each Other Quotes)
I don’t get boy bands these days. Thye don’t write their own songs and everything is choreographed from their dance moves to how they have sex with each other after the show (Each Other Quotes)
What is it, I wonder, that makes two people suddenly become important to each other? So important that everything else around them just fades away? (Each Other Quotes)
They taught me that all life forms are important to each other in our common quest for happiness and survival. That there is more to life than just yourself, your own family, or your own kind (Each Other Quotes)
For any practice to work, the mind which is meditating on the object must merge. Often they are facing each other. One has to become completely absorbed, then the transformation will occur (Each Other Quotes)
None of us are bad people. We float around and we run across each other and we learn about ourselves, and we make mistakes and we do great things. We hurt others, we hurt ourselves, we make others happy and we please ourselves. We can and should forgive ourselves and each other for that (Each Other Quotes)
Life is short. Life is uncertain. But we know that we have today. And we have each other. I believe that for each of us, there is a place on the frontlines (Each Other Quotes)
One can’t say how one behaved or why, really. Such situations, they are far more complex than any either/or proposition. It is simplistic to produce events in pairs and lean them against each other like cards. I suppose if you a playing go or shogi, then such a thing might be helpful, but that is not life (Each Other Quotes)
We humans have the capacity to wreak horrors on each other. But we also have the capacity to survive those horrors (Each Other Quotes)
Think for yourself, and believe in yourself. Keep your skeptical antennae tuned in and in good working order at all times. We are free to develop our own hypotheses, which should be based in available evidence. When it comes to faith, have faith in yourself. And don’t forget to love, laugh, be kind to each other. Don’t take things so seriously, especially yourself. If the universe is a cosmic joke, remember to giggle. And remember to be astonished (Each Other Quotes)
Unless we learn how to humbly tell each other our giving stories, our churches will not learn to give (Each Other Quotes)
There was something alike terrifying and piteous in the spectacle of these frail old morsels of humanity consecrating their last flickering energies to the task of making each other wretched. Hatred seemed to be the one faculty which had survived in undiminished vigor where all else was dropping into ordered and symmetrical decay (Each Other Quotes)
Most teens aren’t addicted to social media; if anything, they’re addicted to each other (Each Other Quotes)
The counsel on public relations is not an advertising man but he advocates for advertising where that is indicated. Very often he is called in by an advertising agency to supplement its work on behalf of a client. His work and that of the advertising agency do not conflict with or duplicate each other (Each Other Quotes)