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Each Other Quotes

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For when two beings who are not friends are near each other there is no meeting, and when friends are far apart there is no separation  (Each Other Quotes) There is an old maxim that says that two empires that are too large will collapse. The analog in set theory is that two different theories that are too powerful must necessarily contradict each other  (Each Other Quotes) I have seen the breakups between people who love each other and rush into getting married too quickly and I do not want to make that mistake  (Each Other Quotes) When I dance, I look like I’m a dad at a prom. I never grasped my limbs. Ever since puberty I’ve just kind of felt like we don’t understand each other  (Each Other Quotes) The overwhelming problem in the world today, everyone knows, is terrorism, where people in the name of religion kill each other, kill others just to go to heaven, and thinking only they will go to heaven  (Each Other Quotes) It’s important, too, for people to see that it only takes one person to have faith in you, to care about you, to make you feel changed. We should all help each other out and give love to everyone as much as possible  (Each Other Quotes) In real life, when you speak with each other you overlap each other, so you can’t fake that. Like especially when you have no cut. In a regular film when you want people to overlap you cut it that way. It’s mixing and editing  (Each Other Quotes) I know that I’m a very different person on my own than I am with someone else. We are different with each other. These things are constantly adjusted. And that’s true of humans. That’s not just true of famous people  (Each Other Quotes) No person who examines and reflects, can avoid seeing that there is but one race of people on the earth, who differ from each other only according to the soil and the climate in which they live  (Each Other Quotes) And so when the essential idea of love is lost there comes talk of fidelity. Actually, the only possible basis for two beings, male and female, to relate to each other is to grant each other total freedom  (Each Other Quotes) A husband and wife who are in the habit of occupying separate rooms are either beings apart, or they have found happiness. Either they hate or they adore each other  (Each Other Quotes) We confide in each other and we really spend time together like a family. And since I’m the maknae, my unnies take care of me even more. I don’t think we will be broken apart very easily  (Each Other Quotes) To know each other is the best way to understand each other. To understand each other is the only way to love each other  (Each Other Quotes) Almost all people descend to meet. All association must be a compromise, and, what is worst, the very flower and aroma of the flower of each of the beautiful natures disappears as they approach each other  (Each Other Quotes) Never underestimate the power of your actions. With one small gesture you can change a person’s life. For better or worse. God puts us all in each other’s lives to impact one another in some way  (Each Other Quotes) In the confusion we stay with each other, happy to be together, speaking without uttering a single word  (Each Other Quotes) God created the first pair equal in rights, possessions, and authority. He bequeathed the earth to them as a joint inheritance; gave them joint dominion over the irrational creation; but none over each other  (Each Other Quotes) How oddly do life and death jostle each other in this strange world of ours! How nearly allied are smiles and tears!  (Each Other Quotes) We may say of agreeableness, as distinct from beauty, that it consists in a symmetry of which we know not the rules, and a secret conformity of the features to each other, as also to the air and complexion of the person  (Each Other Quotes) Business by no means forbids pleasures; on the contrary, they reciprocally season each other; and I will venture to affirm that noman enjoys either in perfection that does not join both  (Each Other Quotes) When two friends part they should lock up each other’s secrets and exchange keys. The truly noble mind has no resentments  (Each Other Quotes) The stock market resembles a huge laundry in which institutions take in large blocks of each others washing... without rhyme or reason  (Each Other Quotes) Simple diet is best: for many dishes bring many diseases, and rich sauces are worse than even heaping several meats upon each other  (Each Other Quotes) I have learned that neither kindness or cruelty by themselves, or independent of each other, create any effect beyond themselves  (Each Other Quotes) If we can just be brave enough to be each others mirror, we may finally recognize the face of conscious that we fear  (Each Other Quotes) Charity is a calm, severe duty; it must be intellectual, to be advantageous. It is a strange mistake that it should ever be considered a merit; its fulfillment is only what we owe to each other, and is a debt never paid to its full extent  (Each Other Quotes) Hard to guess what people see in each other, fortunately for the continued existence of the human race  (Each Other Quotes) I wish to speak with all respect of persons, but sometimes I must pinch myself to keep awake, and preserve the due decorum. They melt so fast into each other, that they are like grass and trees, and it needs an effort to treat them as individuals  (Each Other Quotes) I don’t think marriages break up because of what you do to each other. They break up because of what you must become in order to stay in them  (Each Other Quotes) When feminism does not explicitly oppose racism, and when antiracism does not incorporate opposition to patriarchy, race and gender politics often end up being antagonistic to each other and both interests lose  (Each Other Quotes)
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