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As stated before, hypothyroidism may cause premature or delayed puberty. The majority of normal and hypothyroid females begin their cycle at ages 12 or 13. However, a growing number of those with hypothyroidism start their cycle years earlier or begin their periods at age 15 or later. Premature or delayed puberty in males is also becoming more common (Earlier Quotes)
... as we age we have not only to readdress earlier developmental crises but also somehow to find the way to three affirmations that may seem to conflict... We have to affirm our own life. We have to affirm our own death. And we have to affirm love, both given and received (Earlier Quotes)
Early diagnosis is so important because the earlier a mental illness can be detected, diagnosed and treatment can begin, the better off that person can be for the rest of his or her life (Earlier Quotes)
Earlier, my priority was only work. I worked like a dog before I got married. After marriage, once you have a baby, time management is difficult. Your responsibilities change, your priorities change. And you have to concentrate on them if you have to work out your life. Your career is just a part of your life. For me, my family is my life (Earlier Quotes)
We do not run from the troubles and dangers that are truly ours, and it is better to learn what they are earlier than later, and if we don’t run from the others, we are fools (Earlier Quotes)
I am quite a romantic person, really, and I should have put that into my music earlier, but I was probably denying it... I didn’t want to be soft because I felt I had to be so hard to get people to believe in me (Earlier Quotes)
I don’t really care about being accepted now. I wish I had been like that earlier (Earlier Quotes)
Looking back at my earlier pictures, I think that the work is very much coming from the same place. I have gone through a period of challenging myself with a complicated idea to currently challenging myself with the idea of simplicity (Earlier Quotes)
Whereas formerly, before the advent of machinery, the commonest article you could pick up had a life and warmth which gave it individual interest, now everything is turned out to such a perfection of deadness that one is driven to pick up and collect, in sheer desperation, the commonest rubbish still surviving from the earlier periods (Earlier Quotes)
Usually I like playing other people. I like finding myself through other characters. But when you do cabaret, you are yourself. I think it’s the most fun, and I tell you, if somebody had told me that, I would have done it fifteen years earlier than I did (Earlier Quotes)
Most people are alive in an earlier time, but you must be alive in our own time (Earlier Quotes)
Occasionally we sigh for an earlier day when we could just look at the stars without worrying whether they were theirs or ours (Earlier Quotes)
Maybe in that earlier phase I was painting the woman in me. Art isn’t a wholly masculine occupation, you know (Earlier Quotes)
In earlier times artists liked to show what was actually visible... nowadays we are concerned with reality, rather than the merely visible (Earlier Quotes)
We like to learn all we need from earlier generations, but we have to find out for ourselves what we need; nobody else can do that for us (Earlier Quotes)
Sometimes when I look back on myself on those earlier records, there was so much effort going in, so much trying. With this, I was trying to make it much more laid back (Earlier Quotes)
I tried to dance in my earlier films, but it was more like struggling to stay afloat once you are thrown into the water (Earlier Quotes)
The fall or scrapping of a cultural world puts us all into the same archetypal cesspool, engendering nostalgia for earlier conditions (Earlier Quotes)
Picasso has a volatile, explosive presence. He seems to take art back to an earlier function, before the centuries of museums and masterpieces; he is the artist as clown, as conjurer, as master funmaker (Earlier Quotes)
When you recollect something which belonged in an earlier chapter, do not go back, but jam it in where you are. Discursiveness does not hurt an autobiography in the least (Earlier Quotes)
I have little hesitation in saying that as a result a sickly pall now hangs over the big bang theory. As I have mentioned earlier, when a pattern of facts becomes set against a theory, experience shows that it rarely recovers (Earlier Quotes)
What interests me about thoughts is not the moment when it crystallises into formal ideas but its earlier stages (Earlier Quotes)
The earlier truths are not expelled but absorbed, not contradicted but extended; and the history of each science, which may thus appear like a succession of revolutions, is, in reality, a series of developements (Earlier Quotes)
Men make their own history; but they make it under given conditions, and they become entangled thereby in a fate which is in part the result of other men having made their own history earlier (Earlier Quotes)
Hillary’s trying to appear downhome. Earlier today she was sitting on the front porch of a general store whittling a pantsuit (Earlier Quotes)
Painters work from the ground up. The latest version of a painting overlays earlier versions, and obliterates them. Writers, on the other hand, work from left to right. The discardable chapters are on the left (Earlier Quotes)
Cold soup is a very tricky thing and it is a rare hostess who can carry it off. More often than not the dinner guest is left with the impression that had he only come a little earlier he could have gotten it while it was still hot (Earlier Quotes)
Earlier research has shown that poor blood flow can damage these parts of the brain. So one theory is that exercise may prevent damage and might even help repair these areas by increasing blood flow (Earlier Quotes)
Biography is essentially a collaborative art, the latest biographer collaborating with all those who wrote earlier (Earlier Quotes)
Probably no one alive hasn’t at one time or another brooded over the possibility of going back to an earlier, ideal age in his existence and living a different kind of life (Earlier Quotes)