Earned Quotes

Text Quotes
People are funny. They spend money they haven’t earned, to buy things they don’t need, to impress people they don’t like (Earned Quotes)
Your character, composure, focus and courage, has earned you this success and glory. Congratulations and let the spirit never fade away (Earned Quotes)
Optimism... is neither weak nor naive. It can be tough and pure and earned just as clearly as any brooding existential despair (Earned Quotes)
Treat people the way you want to be treated. Talk to people the way you want to be talked to. Respect is earned, not given (Earned Quotes)
Respect is earned, honestly is appreciated, trust is gained, and loyalty is returned (Earned Quotes)
Money doesn’t define you. Any1 can get money. What anyone cannot get unfortunately, is respect. That has to be earned (Earned Quotes)
Sometimes mistakes must be made so wisdom can be earned. Sometimes you must overcome heartache so you can begin to follow your heart again (Earned Quotes)
I think I’ve earned a certain level of respect, based on my accomplishments and my consistency (Earned Quotes)
Respect is a lot like trust. It’s earned, not given. And in a matter of seconds, it can be shattered (Earned Quotes)
Do we really want to invest $50 billion of hard earned taxpayers money in what is essentially a video entertainment system (Earned Quotes)
Respect is earned. Honesty is appreciated. Trust is gained. Loyalty is returned (Earned Quotes)
In 1967, I signed up for the Army, where I earned an equivalency diploma, then went on to join the Special Forces. That was really was the turning point in my life. I became more disciplined and focused. I went overseas and was in combat, got wounded a couple of times, lost a lot of good friends but matured a great deal (Earned Quotes)
Nothing strengthens the judgment and quickens the conscience like individual responsibility. Nothing adds such dignity to character as the recognition of one’s self-sovereignty; the right to an equal place, everywhere conceded--a place earned by personal merit, not an artificial attainment by inheritance, wealth, family and position (Earned Quotes)
The greater part of our best years has been passed for our generation in these two great worldconvulsions. All will be changed after this war, which spends in one month more than nations earned before in yearsthere is no more security in our time than in those of the Reformation or the fall of Rome (Earned Quotes)
Ask yourself whether you have earned the right to have an opinion. Opinions are easy to produce, so bad ones abound. Knowing that you don’t know something is nearly as valuable as knowing it. The worst situation is thinking you know something when you don’t (Earned Quotes)
Probably the most dramatic change in pitching I’ve observed in my years in baseball has been the disappearance of the knockdown or brushback pitch. This is why record numbers of home runs are flying out of ballparks, why earned run averages are soaring, and why there are so few twenty game winners in the majors (Earned Quotes)
President Bush earned $400,000 for his job as president last year. That’s not really that much for being president when you think about it. But President Bush, he doesn’t do it for the money, he does it for the eight months of vacation every year (Earned Quotes)
Paul Revere earned his living as a silversmith. But what do we remember him for? His volunteer work. All activism is volunteering in that it’s done above and beyond earning a living and deals with what people really care passionately about. Remember, no one gets paid to rebel. All revolutions start with volunteers (Earned Quotes)
I’ve got a record in Florida. I’m proud of my dad, and I’m certainly proud of my brother. In Florida, they called me Jeb, because I earned it (Earned Quotes)
Leisure time is only leisure time when it is earned; otherwise, leisure time devolves into soul-killing lassitude. There’s a reason so many new retirees, freed from the treadmill of work, promptly keel over on the golf course: Work fulfills us. It keeps us going (Earned Quotes)
The more the state gives to its citizens, the less they have to earn. That is the basic concept of the welfare state - you receive almost everything you need without having to earn any of it. About half of Americans now pay no federal income tax - but they receive all government benefits just as if they had paid for, i.e., earned them (Earned Quotes)
I have worked and earned all my life and have found that divorce is an expensive process. Whichever way you look at it, you are going to halve your wealth. If you can avoid it, do. It is an awful process (Earned Quotes)
I never had my own name on a bathing suit on Baywatch. I was always given one that said Pamela or Yasmine. I earned my own suit, at the end of the season, which I now have framed (Earned Quotes)
Victory must be real. It must be earned. That means it must be rare and difficult, against steep odds, and defeat must be the other. (Earned Quotes)
The face you have at age 25 is the face God gave you, but the face you have after 50 is the face you earned. (Earned Quotes)
I probably wouldn’t be a songwriter if I didn’t grow up the way I did. It was difficult and it was at times very scary to grow up in a household so unsettled and at times very violent. But, it also, I guess it earned me a sort of wisdom at a young age that’s served me well. (Earned Quotes)
To our men and women in the armed services, the huge and deep core of your loyalty has earned the nation’s accolade. (Earned Quotes)
Art was a way of life in my family. My grandfather, N.C. Wyeth, who died a year before I was born, had been a prominent painter. So was my father, Andrew. My two aunts and two of my uncles also earned a living as painters. (Earned Quotes)
The first thing my writing ever earned me wasn’t an advance on a book; it wasn’t a fee for an article or anything like that. It was, in fact, a residency at Hedgebrook Farm. (Earned Quotes)
You get a: Can Do Attitude, by practicing to be excellent. Since you earn success by being determined, higher willpower is earned too. Raise yourself to excellence. (Earned Quotes)