Easier Quotes

Text Quotes
I find it much easier to counsel than to be counseled, to reach out to a friend in my small group who is feeling insercure than to reveal my own inseurity. The truth is we don’t much like being dependent. We don’t enjoy admitting how depeately we long for someone’s kindness and involvement. It’s so humbling (Easier Quotes)
To the extent that I had come to understand that despair does not necessarily result in annihilation, that one can go on as usual in spite of it, I had become hardened. Was this what it means to be an adult, to live with ugly ambiguities? I didn’t like it, but it made it easier to go on (Easier Quotes)
The easiest thing in the world is to convince yourself that you’re right. As one grows old, it is easier still (Easier Quotes)
Life might be easier if you give in a little, but it’s better if you hold onto something so hard you can’t give it up (Easier Quotes)
I don’t start a novel until I have lived with the story for awhile to the point of actually writing an outline and after a number of books I’ve learned that the more time I spend on the outline the easier the book is to write. And if I cheat on the outline I get in trouble with the book (Easier Quotes)
... it struck me as so hard to believe I was really getting what I wanted; it was always easier to feel the lack of something than the thing itself (Easier Quotes)
People think it’s easy to be cynical and pessimistic, but it’s incredibly hard work. It’s much easier to be hopeful (Easier Quotes)
It is easier to tell a story of how people wound one another than of what binds them together (Easier Quotes)
It’s a lot easier to be crazy or mad than to just get on with living (Easier Quotes)
In relationship there are always two types of person: one weaker and the other stronger one. It’s never easier to live being as weaker one! (Easier Quotes)
Contrary to popular belief, the experience of terror does not make you braver. Perhaps though, it is easier to hide your fear when you’re afraid all the time (Easier Quotes)
I chased money, pretended to be someone else to get it. It got easier the longer I did it... but that’s the trap, see? When the deadness gets easier, you know you’re sinking deeper, becoming dead yourself (Easier Quotes)
If it’s a good idea, go ahead and do it. It is much easier to apologise than it is to get permission (Easier Quotes)
It’s easier to be ignorant and say I don’t know about the problem. But once you know, once you’ve seen it in their eyes, then you have a responsibility to do something. There is strength in numbers, and if we all work together as a team, we can be unstoppable (Easier Quotes)
We need to build millions of little moments of caring on an individual level. Indeed, as talk of a politics of meaning becomes more widespread, many people will feel it easier to publicly acknowledge their own spiritual and ethical aspirations and will allow themselves to give more space to their highest vision in their personal interactions with others. A politics of meaning is as much about these millions of small acts as it is about any larger change. The two necessarily go hand in hand (Easier Quotes)
The students I’ve been with these twenty years are looking for a world where it becomes a little easier to love and a lot harder to hate, where learning nonviolence means that we dedicate our hearts, minds, time, and money to a commitment that the force of love, the force of truth, the force of justice, and the force of organized resistance to corrupt power are seen as sane and the force of fists, guns, armies, and bombs insane (Easier Quotes)
I swam the race like I trained to swim it. It is not mathematical. I just let my body do it. It is a lot easier if you let your body do what it is trained for (Easier Quotes)
Golf is a difficult game, but it’s a little easier if you trust your instincts. It’s too hard a game to try to play like someone else (Easier Quotes)
I strongly recommend that students with autism get involved in special interest clubs in some of the areas they naturally excel at. Being with people who share your interests makes socializing easier (Easier Quotes)
When people can see which direction the leaders are going in it becomes easier to motivate them (Easier Quotes)
I guess I have learnt now that life becomes easier when you learn to accept an apology you never got (Easier Quotes)
In the early stages of wealth, up to 10 years after individuals became very rich, they display a bit of reluctance to spend money. It’s a lot easier rationalizing spending a lot for a house (Easier Quotes)
If you buy a book on golf instruction buy the thinnest book you can find. The thinner the book, chances are the easier and more elementary the instruction. It can do one of two things: help you more or hurt you less. Both are good compared to the alternative (Easier Quotes)
Your kids need your love and attention, and being able to devote myself to them is very fulfilling. As I get older, spending time with my daughters makes things much easier. You learn to put your ego aside (Easier Quotes)
Chemistry is important. If you like your teammates, it’s going to be easier to play with them on the court (Easier Quotes)
It may seem hard to extend our gratefulness and appreciation to the time in which we live and the challenges it presents... It would be much easier to appreciate an era of good feeling, peace and calm stability! But difficult times are also times of growth, of new insights and opportunities, of creativity, and of emergence (Easier Quotes)
Integrity makes my job easier. It’s deception and dishonesty that requires so much diligent effort (Easier Quotes)
Many businesses with unpopular products or inefficient production find it much easier to curry the favor of a few influential politicians or a government agency than to compete in the open market (Easier Quotes)
Nobody is one block of harmony. We are all afraid of something, or feel limited in something. We all need somebody to talk to. It would be good if we talked to each other, not just pitter patter but real talk. We shouldn’t be afraid, because most people really like this contact; that you show you are vulnerable makes them free to be vulnerable too. It’s so much easier to be together when we drop our masks (Easier Quotes)
My wife is so stupendously ugly it is easier to take her with me than to kiss her goodbye (Easier Quotes)