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Easier Quotes

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I think it’s easier for the general public to embrace me in a negative way. You have people who already have a perception of me that says I’m a bad person.  (Easier Quotes) In situations of military conflict, civil strife, lawlessness, bad governance, and human rights violations, terrorists find it easier to hide, train and prepare their attacks.  (Easier Quotes) ...you can pretend that bad things will never happen. But life’s a lot easier if you realize and admit that sometimes they do.  (Easier Quotes) Bad writing is not easier than good writing. It’s just as hard to make a toilet seat as it is a castle window. Only the view is different.  (Easier Quotes) It’s easier to date a football player for sure. Football players have one game a week, and they practice every day, but they’re all at home. In basketball, they’re on the road all the time.  (Easier Quotes) Cynthia sighs, contemplating a fruit and nut bar. ‘Chocolate,’ she says despairingly. ‘Safer than cocaine, easier to get hold of than Prozac. The government’s most effective way to prevent revolution.  (Easier Quotes) Baseball fans! Good lord! I feel like sports fans get mad at you easier than country music fans. It scares me. I’m glad that country fans don’t get mad every time I mess up.  (Easier Quotes) A lot of times I blend in a little bit easier because I’m not like a basketball player who’s going to stand out because of his height.  (Easier Quotes) It is sometimes easier to trust God in a life-threatening battle than in the small challenges of daily life.  (Easier Quotes) It’s much easier to be at peace than it is to hate somebody. It’s much easier to love somebody than to fight with them.  (Easier Quotes) Once you find out what makes you comfortable and happy, it’s a lot easier to be confident.So, be yourself!  (Easier Quotes) Being honest when you’re dealing with others is easier to do because your honesty is on the table for all to view...Being honest with yourself is more difficult because you only have to justify it in private where no one can see it.  (Easier Quotes) I think anybody with an insecurity, which is everyone, appreciates the fact that it’s much easier to be a predator than it is to be prey.  (Easier Quotes) You don’t need to wait for inspiration to write. It’s easier to be inspired while writing that while not writing...  (Easier Quotes) Be the kind of friend who makes it easier for others to obey the commandments when they are with you.  (Easier Quotes) My girlfriend is Jewish. But it’s easier to buy her a Christmas present and then break it into 8 pieces.  (Easier Quotes) It’s easier to be angry. It’s harder to be positive and happy, I reckon.  (Easier Quotes) Team spirit spurs me on. I’ve always found it easier to be strong for other people than for myself.  (Easier Quotes) Years ago, it was pretty hard to get people to empathize even a little bit with scaly, cold-blooded critters; now, thanks a lot to good PR from television, it is easier to get the message of reptile conservation and tolerance across. We have a lot to be thankful to reptiles for, not the least of which is their control of rodents.  (Easier Quotes) I’m not a militant lesbian. I carry myself in a way that makes it easier for women to relate to. I can be your best girlfriend.  (Easier Quotes) Want nothing but the best for your friends because when your friends are happy and successful, it’s probably going to be easier for you to be happy.  (Easier Quotes) It’s easier to be healthy in Hawaii than it is, almost anywhere else I’ve lived. You spend a lot of time outside, in the ocean and on the beach.  (Easier Quotes) In making the jump from a local program to the showcase of a coast-to-coast broadcast, Ted Yates and I were determined to maintain the candid, sometimes combative style we’d introduced on ‘Night Beat.’ But that proved easier said than done.  (Easier Quotes) I could design an $800 shoe line; it’s easy. You use the best materials and you can make beautiful shoes. It’s easier than making great shoes for $90.  (Easier Quotes) It’s easier to die when you have lived, than it is to die when you haven’t. So I say to all young people, go make memories; beautiful memories. Because when the time comes to go, you won’t go alone.  (Easier Quotes) Sir Joshua would have been glad to take her portrait; and he would have had an easier task than the historian at least in this, that he would not have had to represent the truth of change - only to give stability to one beautiful moment.  (Easier Quotes) Maybe it’s shallow of me to have a wife that’s so beautiful, but it makes things easier. To me she’s the most beautiful woman in the world.  (Easier Quotes) I worry about my face not having expression. I’ve never been known for glamour, so it’s probably easier for me than it is for someone who has been known for her incredible beauty and glamour. I always wanted to be Geraldine Page, who was just a fabulous actress with just a nice, normal, expressive face.  (Easier Quotes) For women, beauty is more important than the mind, because the man is easier to watch than to think.  (Easier Quotes) Taylor clapped three times for attention. Ladies! Ladies! My stars! That’s enough. Now. We all know Miss Arkansas’s girls are fake, Miss Ohio’s easier than making cereal, and Miss Montana’s dress is something my blind meemaw would wear to bingo night. - Beauty Queens  (Easier Quotes)
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