Easily Quotes

Text Quotes
Notice that the stiffest tree is most easily cracked, while the bamboo or willow survives by bending with the wind (Easily Quotes)
The inspired moment may sometimes be described as a kind of hallucinatory state of mind: one half of the personality emotes and dictates while the other half listens and notates. The half that listens has better look the other way, had better simulate a half attention only, for the half that dictates is easily disgruntled and avenges itself for too close inspection by fading entirely away (Easily Quotes)
Every really good creative person in advertising has always had two noticeable characteristics. First, there was no subject he could not easily get interested in... Second, he was an extensive browser in all sorts of fields of information. For it is with the advertising man as with the cow: no browsing, no milk (Easily Quotes)
The men flyers have given out the impression that aeroplaning is very perilous work, something that an ordinary mortal should not dream of attempting. But when I saw how easily the man flyers manipulated their machines I said I could fly (Easily Quotes)
When I feel well and in a good humour, or when I am taking a drive or walking after a good meal, or in the night when I cannot sleep, thoughts crowd into my mind as easily as my mind might wish (Easily Quotes)
When you are in a state of nonacceptance, it’s difficult to learn. A clenched fist cannot receive a gift, and a clenched psyche grasped tightly against the reality of what must not be accepted cannot easily receive a lesson (Easily Quotes)
Some day your head won’t find my lap so easily. Trust is a habit you’ll soon break (Easily Quotes)
If only people could travel as easily as words. Wouldn’t that be something? If only we could be so easily revised (Easily Quotes)
In any open question, we should argue from what we do know to what we do not know. We do know that fervent legends and stubborn myths arise easily and naturally. We do not know that dead people rise from the grave (Easily Quotes)
I actually think I left 10 to 20 pounds on the stage, because it went up pretty easily. Seven hundred has been an accomplishment I’ve wanted for a while, but the last few months, as my training has gotten better, I knew this was going to be a reality. That’s when I knew I was getting close and this could really happen (Easily Quotes)
Take the stupidest thing you’ve ever done. At least it’s done. It’s over. It’s gone. We can all learn from our mistakes and heal and move on. But it’s harder to learn or heal or move on from something that hasn’t happened; something we don’t know and is therefore indefinable; something which could very easily have been the best thing in our lives, if only we’d taken the plunge, if only we’d held our breath and stood up and done it, if only we’d said yes (Easily Quotes)
I shall easily show that it is impossible to tax further, ruinous to be always borrowing and not enough to confine ourselves to measures of economy (Easily Quotes)
If nations could overcome the mutual fear and distrust whose sombre shadow is now thrown over the world, and could meet with confidence and good will to settle their possible differences, they would easily be able to establish a lasting peace (Easily Quotes)
Like the battleships of old, omnibus programs present too tempting a target, too easily destroyed by a single attack, to make it through a fight... It is through incremental change after change, step after step, that a statesman of today can vindicate a bold vision (Easily Quotes)
I love what you might call brutal elegance. Where form and function are really obvious. There is nothing easily broken in this house (Easily Quotes)
History viewed from the inside is always a dark, digestive mess, far different from the easily recognizable cow viewed from afar by historians (Easily Quotes)
Guys are stimulated easily. They are easy to manipulate. All you have to do is wear a sexy outfit (Easily Quotes)
Whenever we make changes in our surroundings, we can too easily shortchange ourselves, by cutting ourselves off from some of the sights and sounds, the shapes or textures, or other information from a place that have helped mold our understanding and are now necessary for us to thrive. Overdevelopment and urban sprawl can damage our own lives as much as they damage our cities and countryside (Easily Quotes)
Hate and love are essentially the same in that the person who loves is as easily manipulated as a person who hates (Easily Quotes)
The usual way the people are taught to think in amerika is that each subject is in a little compartment and has no relation to any other subject. For the most part, we receive fragments of unrelated knowledge, and our education follows no logical format or pattern. It is exactly this kind of education that produces people who don’t have the ability to think for themselves and who are easily manipulated (Easily Quotes)
Fog and smog should not be confused and are easily separated by color. Fog is about the color of the insides of an old split wet summer cottage mattress; smog is the color and consistency of a wet potato chip soaked in a motorman’s glove (Easily Quotes)
More than that, I believe that the grass is green because green is restful to the human eye, that the sky is blue to give us an idea of the infinite. And that blood is red so that murder will be more easily detected and criminals will be brought to justice. Yes, and I believe that I shall live forever, but I shall live without reason (Easily Quotes)
No wonder politicians love government schools. Where do you think the dumb masses come from that can be so easily led and manipulated? (Easily Quotes)
Besides it is an error to believe that rigour is the enemy of simplicity. On the contrary we find it confirmed by numerous examples that the rigorous method is at the same time the simpler and the more easily comprehended. The very effort for rigor forces us to find out simpler methods of proof (Easily Quotes)
As individual fingers we can easily be broken, but all together we make a mighty fist (Easily Quotes)
It’s because I do see sex as sacred and potentially spiritual that I believe in commercializing it and making this potentially holy experience more easily available to all (Easily Quotes)
When sight ceases, it is the time for faith to work. The greater the difficulties, the easier it is for faith. As long as human possibilities for success remain, faith does not accomplish things as easily as when all natural prospects fail (Easily Quotes)
In the consciousness of belonging together, in the sense of constancy, resides the sanctity, the beauty of matrimony, which helps us to endure pain more easily, to enjoy happiness doubly, and to give rise to the fullest and finest development of our nature (Easily Quotes)
Peace is the best time for improvement and preparation of every kind; it is in peace that our commerce flourishes most, that taxes are most easily paid, and that the revenue is most productive (Easily Quotes)
In a typical desperation for quick answers, easily understood, people had turned to primitive worship as the solution. With less than success. Not only had they died as quickly as the rest of the people, but they had died with terror in their hearts, with a mortal dread flowing in their very veins (Easily Quotes)