Easily Quotes

Text Quotes
Most of us can easily do two things at once; what’s all but impossible is to do one thing at once (Easily Quotes)
Adversity is the state in which man most easily becomes acquainted with himself, being especially free of admirers then (Easily Quotes)
Action in war is like movement in a resistant element. Just as the simplest and most natural of movements, walking, cannot easily be performed in water, so in war, it is difficult for normal efforts to achieve even moderate results (Easily Quotes)
Idleness and pride tax with a heavier hand than kings and parliaments. If we can get rid of the former, we may easily bear the latter (Easily Quotes)
Recognizing the structure of your psychology doesn’t mean that you can easily rebuild it (Easily Quotes)
There is no kind of idleness by which we are so easily seduced as that which dignifies itself by the appearance of business (Easily Quotes)
In practice, such trifles as contradictions in principle are easily set aside; the faculty of ignoring them makes the practical man (Easily Quotes)
We easily enough confess in others an advantage of courage, strength, experience, activity, and beauty; but an advantage in judgment we yield to none (Easily Quotes)
Long customs are not easily broken; he that attempts to change the course of his own life very often labors in vain; and how shall we do that for others, which we are seldom able to do for ourselves (Easily Quotes)
We accept every person in the world as that for which he gives himself out, only he must give himself out for something. We can put up with the unpleasant more easily than we can endure the insignificant (Easily Quotes)
A man who is master of himself can end a sorrow as easily as he can invent a pleasure (Easily Quotes)
Natural wealth is limited and easily obtained; the wealth defined by vain fancies is always beyond reach (Easily Quotes)
It is easier to perceive error than to find truth, for the former lies on the surface and is easily seen, while the latter lies in the depth, where few are willing to search for it (Easily Quotes)
No man so wise that he may not easily err if he takes no other counsel than his own. He that is taught only by himself has a fool for a master (Easily Quotes)
What chance gathers, she easily scatters. A great person attracts great people and knows how to hold them together (Easily Quotes)
One of the aged greatest miseries is that they cannot easily find a companion able to share the memories of the past (Easily Quotes)
Creative powers can just as easily turn out to be destructive. It rests solely with the moral personality whether they apply themselves to good things or to bad. And if this is lacking, no teacher can supply it or take its place (Easily Quotes)
The examples of vice at home corrupt us more quickly and easily than others, since they steal into our minds under the highest authority (Easily Quotes)
The enemy is more easily overcome if he be not suffered to enter the door of our hearts, but be resisted without the gate at his first knock (Easily Quotes)
It is only persons of firmness that can have real gentleness. Those who appear gentle are, in general, only a weak character, which easily changes into asperity (Easily Quotes)
The soul is pure when it leaves the body and drags nothing bodily with it, by virtue of having no willing association with the body in life but avoiding it..... Practicing philosophy in the right way is a training to die easily (Easily Quotes)
The bounds of a man’s knowledge are easily concealed, if he has but prudence (Easily Quotes)
Novelty is to love like bloom to fruit; it gives a luster which is easily effaced, but never returns (Easily Quotes)
We have now learned that rashness and imprudence will not be deterred from taking credit; let us try whether fraud and avarice may be more easily restrained from giving it (Easily Quotes)
Narrowness of mind is often the cause of obstinacy; we do not easily believe beyond what we see (Easily Quotes)
The more virtuous any man is, the less easily does he suspect others to be vicious (Easily Quotes)
The sickness of the heart is most easily got rid of by complaining and soothing confidence (Easily Quotes)
Woman is a most charming creature, who changes her heart as easily as she does her gloves (Easily Quotes)
Presumption will be easily corrected; but timidity is a disease of the mind more obstinate and fatal (Easily Quotes)
You cannot be driven by the polls. The polls change all the time; they’re easily manipulated by whoever wants to ask those poll questions; they go up; they go down (Easily Quotes)