East And West Quotes

Text Quotes
In the West, they will either accept or reject. In the East, they will always accept also provide guidance and patience. (East And West Quotes)
We have to see that all regions of India, particularly the east and west, are brought on par in development parameters. (East And West Quotes)
Don’t forget I started looking at China a long time before any of those races happened. I always thought go east, not west... (East And West Quotes)
I went to the West and saw Islam, but no Muslims; I got back to the East and saw Muslims, but not Islam. (East And West Quotes)
If one is enlightened, one does not perceive life with North, South, East and West. There is no California, there is no New York. In a higher bonding state of attention, everything is fluid light (East And West Quotes)
The most important thing to teach your children is that the sun does not rise and set. It is the Earth that revolves around the sun. Then teach them the concepts of North, South, East and West, and that they relate to where they happen to be on the planet’s surface at that time. Everything else will follow (East And West Quotes)
There is not a thought that is being thought in the West or the East that is not active in some Indian mind (East And West Quotes)
I am the bridge between the East and the West. I don’t want to abandon one for the other (East And West Quotes)
The sun sets in the west (just about everyone knows that), but Sunset Towers faced east. Strange! (East And West Quotes)
This regionalization is in keeping with the Tri-Lateral Plan which calls for a gradual convergence of East and West, ultimately leading toward the goal of one world government. National sovereignty is no longer a viable concept (East And West Quotes)
Let’s absurdify life, from east to west. Let us play hide-and-seek with our consciousness of living (East And West Quotes)
Can you see the sunset real good on the West side? You can see it on the East side too (East And West Quotes)
Today we all speak, if not the same tongue, the same universal language. There is no one center, and time has lost its former coherence: East and West, yesterday and tomorrow exist as a confused jumble in each one of us. Different times and different spaces are combined in a here and now that is everywhere at once (East And West Quotes)
There’s one sad truth in life I’ve found While journeying east and west - The only folks we really wound Are those we love the best. We flatter those we scarcely know, We please the fleeting guest, And deal full many a thoughtless blow To those who love us best (East And West Quotes)
If it’s easter than east and wester than west, it must be north (East And West Quotes)
You can’t go east and west at the same time (East And West Quotes)
To be always doubting your ability to get what you long for is like trying to reach east by traveling west (East And West Quotes)
East is East, and West is San Francisco, according to Californians. Californians are a race of people; they are not merely inhabitants of a State (East And West Quotes)
The real war is not between the West and the East. The real war is between intelligent and stupid people (East And West Quotes)
If you want to go East, don't go West (East And West Quotes)
History is marked by alternating movements across the imaginary line that separates East from West in Eurasia (East And West Quotes)
Bright colours in the west, giant butterflies dancing as night crept like a cripple toward the east (East And West Quotes)
Historically, the East was more concerned with understanding the mind and the West was more involved in understanding matter (East And West Quotes)
Heaven has a north and a south and an east and a west. Consequently, it must be a planet (East And West Quotes)
In the West the wise are usually thought of as leaders. In the East, the wise are very often though of as followers (East And West Quotes)
Battle, with the sword, has cut many a Gordian knot in twain which all the wit of East and West, of Northern and Border statesmen, could not untie (East And West Quotes)
The real struggle is not between East and West, or capitalism and communism, but between education and propaganda (East And West Quotes)
My angel, his name is freedom, choose him to be your king; he shall cut pathways east and west. And fend you with his wing (East And West Quotes)
It is true that water will flow indifferently to east and west, but will it flow equally well up and down? Human nature is disposed toward goodness, just as water tends to flow downwards. There is no water but flows downwards, and no man but shows his tendency to be good. Now, by striking water hard, you may splash it higher than your forehead, and by damming it, you may make it go uphill. But, is that the nature of water? It is external force that causes it to do so. Likewise, if a man is made to do what is not good, his nature is being similarly forced (East And West Quotes)
Next to the originator of a good sentence is the first quoter of it. Many will read the book before one thinks of quoting a passage. As soon as he has done this, that line will be quoted east and west (East And West Quotes)