Easter is about Jesus: the Jesus who announced God's saving, sovereign kingdom

Easter is about Jesus: the Jesus who announced God's saving, sovereign kingdom
In the teachings of renowned theologian N.T. Wright, Easter is not simply a holiday to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ, but rather a profound reminder of the central message that Jesus came to proclaim during his time on earth. According to Wright, Easter is about Jesus: the Jesus who announced God's saving, sovereign kingdom.Wright emphasizes that Jesus' ministry was not just about performing miracles or gathering followers, but about proclaiming the arrival of God's kingdom on earth. This kingdom was not a political or earthly kingdom, but a spiritual and divine reign that would bring salvation and redemption to all who believed in Jesus as the Son of God.
The resurrection of Jesus on Easter Sunday is the ultimate validation of his message and mission. By conquering death and rising from the grave, Jesus demonstrated his power over sin and death, and affirmed his identity as the long-awaited Messiah who would bring salvation to all who believed in him.
For Wright, Easter is a time to reflect on the significance of Jesus' resurrection and its implications for our lives today. It is a reminder that Jesus is not just a historical figure, but a living and active presence in the world, continuing to work through his followers to bring about God's kingdom on earth.