Easy Quotes

Text Quotes
Negotiating with memories isn’t easy: how to choose between those panting to be told, those still ripening, those already shriveling, and those destined to be mangled by language and come out pulverized? (Easy Quotes)
Honor was never taking the easy way when it was also the wrong one. Never telling a falsehood unless the truth was painful and unnecessary, or a lie was necessary to save others. Never manipulating the truth to serve only yourself. Protecting the weak and helpless; standing fast even when fear made you weak. Keeping your word (Easy Quotes)
It’s so easy to make a person who hasn’t got anything seem wrong (Easy Quotes)
Time goes by at such a pace,it’s funny how it’s easy to forget her face (Easy Quotes)
Oh yes, I know the way to heaven was easy. We found the little kingdom of our passion that all can share who walk the road of lovers. In wild and secret happiness we stumbled; and gods and demons clamoured in our senses (Easy Quotes)
He’d assumed that you went to school because you had to learn things, starting off with the easy stuff and moving on to the bigger issues, and once you’d learned them that was it, the way ahead opened up and thereafter life was simple and straightforward. What a joke. The older he got, the more complicated and obscure everything became (Easy Quotes)
It’s all about getting the hand of things. Easy does it; take it easy. You’ll figure everything out in time. But for right now, just keep trying. Pay attention and avoid the temptation to go further than you’re ready. Talk less. And listen more (Easy Quotes)
No one has ever said that life is to be easy. Only that it is to be lived (Easy Quotes)
I think that if we can’t go back, then we should try even harder to go forward. And I do want to go forward, to a place where loving someone because they have a gentle smile and a friendly hello is as easy as it once was (Easy Quotes)
His books were the closest thing he had to furniture and he lived in them the way other men live in easy chairs (Easy Quotes)
Well, the problem is, it’s not easy for me to think of ways to improve myself, because I’m pretty much one of the best people I know (Easy Quotes)
Life, people learned, was not easy. Life was not cake. Life was not a carrot cake (Easy Quotes)
She got a reputation for an easy smile and a sharp tongue, and using one to balance the other, she seemed friendly but distant (Easy Quotes)
Love is never easy. We begin by loving the things we can, according to our stature, but it is not long before we find that what we love is other than ourselves and that our love is no protection against being wounded. Do we then speak to dominate what we love, to make it bend to our will, to stop it from hurting us even though to do so is to betray love? And that is only where the difficulty begins (Easy Quotes)
It is easy to be disgruntled if you are denied rights and freedoms to which you feel entitled. But if you are not coherent, if you cannot put into words what it is that displeases you and why it is unfair and should change, then you are dismissed as an unreasonable whiner. You may be lectured about perseverance and patience, life as a test, the need to accept the higher wisdom of others (Easy Quotes)
People who commit monstrous crimes are not necessarily monsters. If they were, things would be easy. But they aren’t and it is one of the experiences of life (Easy Quotes)
If you ever read one of my books I hope you’ll think it looks so easy. In fact, I wrote those chapters 20 times over, and over, and over, and that if you want to write at a good level, you’ll have to do that too (Easy Quotes)
He had no money and no home; he lived entirely on the road of the racing circuit, sleeping in empty stalls, carrying with him only a saddle, his rosary, and his books... The books were the closest thing he had to furniture, and he lived in them the way other men live in easy chairs (Easy Quotes)
It is not easy to convey, unless one has experienced it, the dramatic feeling of sudden enlightenment that floods the mind when the right idea finally clicks into place. One immediately sees how many previously puzzling facts are neatly explained by the new hypothesis. One could kick oneself for not having the idea earlier, it now seems so obvious. Yet before, everything was in a fog (Easy Quotes)
Endeavour to play easy pieces well and with elegance; that is better than to play difficult pieces badly (Easy Quotes)
I fight cynicism. It’s too easy. It’s really boring. It’s much harder to be positive and see the wonder of everything. Cynicism is a bunch of people who aren’t as talented as other people, knocking them because they make them feel even more untalented (Easy Quotes)
Revenge is never what you think it’s going to be. There’s no pleasure and glory, and when it’s done your grief remains. Once a man does the things you’re talking about, he will never be the same, and he can never go back to who he was before. Worst of all, no matter how many enemies you kill, you are never satisfied. There is always one more who deserves it. When it becomes too easy to kill, it never ends (Easy Quotes)
I have to force myself even to move my eyeballs. It’s so easy just to stare (Easy Quotes)
Be hated. One does not have to be evil to be hated. In fact, it’s often the case that one is hated precisely because one is trying to do right by one’s own convictions. It is far too easy to be liked, one merely has to be accommodating and hold no strong convictions. Then one will gravitate towards the centre and settle into the average. That cannot be your role. There are a great many bad people in the world, and if you are not offending them, you must be bad yourself (Easy Quotes)
God seemed to be having a hard time killing him, and he’d be damned if he was going to make the job easy for mere mortals (Easy Quotes)
When all usefulness is over, when one is assured of an unavoidable and imminent death, it is the simplest of human rights to choose a quick and easy death in place of a slow and horrible one (Easy Quotes)
I realize it has become too easy to find a diet to fit in with whatever you happen to feel like eating and that diets are not there to be picked and mixed but picked and stuck to, which is exactly what I shall begin to do once I’ve eaten this chocolate croissant (Easy Quotes)
How can love be worthy of its name if one selects solely the pretty things and leaves out the hardships? It is easy to enjoy the good and dislike the bad. Anybody can do that. The real challenge is to love the good and the bad together, not because you need to take the rough with the smooth but because you need to go beyond such descriptions and accept love in its entirety (Easy Quotes)
I remember thinking how easy it is to speak in clichés, to steal a line from pulp fiction and let it fall. We can only hover around the inexpressible with our words anyway, and there is comfort in saying what we have heard before (Easy Quotes)
My head grew muddled with it all; the silly ways adults acted with one another, never saying what they meant, trusting in sighs and glances and distance to speak for them instead. How dangerous that was! How easy it must be to misinterpret a sigh or a look (Easy Quotes)