Easy Quotes

Text Quotes
Blaming society makes it awfully easy for a person of weak character to shrug off his own responsibility for his actions (Easy Quotes)
Dying young is the easy way out. It’s much harder to keep your edge and keep it going (Easy Quotes)
When a problem comes along, study it until you are completely knowledgeable. Then find that weak spot, break the problem apart, and the rest will be easy (Easy Quotes)
To sit home, read one’s favorite paper, and scoff at the misdeeds of the men who do things is easy, but it is markedly ineffective. It is what evil men count upon the good men’s doing (Easy Quotes)
A soft, easy life is not worth living, if it impairs the fibre of brain and heart and muscle. We must dare to be great; and we must realize that greatness is the fruit of toil and sacrifice and high courage... For us is the life of action, of strenuous performance of duty; let us live in the harness, striving mightily; let us rather run the risk of wearing out than rusting out (Easy Quotes)
To captivate our varied and worldwide audience of all ages, the nature and treatment of the fairy tale, the legend, the myth have to be elementary, simple. Good and evil, the antagonists of all great drama in some guise, must be believably personalized. The moral ideals common to all humanity must be upheld. The victories must not be too easy. Strife to test valor is still and will always be the basic ingredient of the animated tale, as of all screen entertainments (Easy Quotes)
Direct and easy communications - freedom of speech in all forms and in its broadest sense - has become vital to the very survival of a civilized humanity (Easy Quotes)
Not every day can be an easy one, nor every day fully happy; but even a day of tough going and difficulty can be a good day (Easy Quotes)
The road we have long been traveling is deceptively easy, a smooth superhighway on which we progress with great speed, but at its end lies disaster (Easy Quotes)
It is easy to know when a government wishes for peace by observing the character of the person sent to negotiate for it (Easy Quotes)
My job is to not be easy on people. My job is to make them better. My job is to pull things together from different parts of the company and clear the ways and get the resources for the key projects. And to take these great people we have and to push them and make them even better, coming up with more aggressive visions of how it could be (Easy Quotes)
Few persons can be made to believe that it is not quite an easy thing to invent a method of secret writing that shall baffle investigation. Yet it may be roundly asserted that human ingenuity cannot concoct a cipher which human ingenuity cannot resolve (Easy Quotes)
Faith is a belief in things that your senses have not experienced and your mind does not understand, but you have touched them in other ways and have accepted them. It is easy for one to speak of faith; it is another thing to live it (Easy Quotes)
I also made two very important discoveries as time went on. In the first place, I discovered that making money was easy. I had been led to believe that money and possessions would insure me a life of happiness and peace of mind. So that was the path I pursued. In the second place, I discovered that making money and spending it foolishly was completely meaningless. I knew that this was not what I was here for, but at that time I didn’t know exactly what I was here for (Easy Quotes)
To ask me whether I could endure to live without friends is absurd. It is easy enough to live out of material sight of friends, but to live without human love is impossible (Easy Quotes)
Life is not all fun and easy going. Far from it; there are many rough times. But, sadly, we too often let the hard times dull our enthusiasm. And that is dangerous, if not fatal, to our lives (Easy Quotes)
No one can bring you into higher states of attention permanently. I can take an individual and I can change their awareness. That’s easy. But how long will it last? (Easy Quotes)
The world is very beautiful and very wonderful. Life can be very easy when love is your way of life. You can be loving all the time. This is your choice. You may not have a reason to love, but you can love because to love makes you so happy. Love in action only produces happiness. Love will give you inner peace. It will change your perception of everything (Easy Quotes)
It is going to be tough if you look for the easy way out because very rarely is there an easy way out. There is nothing that replaces hard work (Easy Quotes)
The yoga of selfless giving is easy for anyone to practice. The key is detachment. The spirit is unattachment to results (Easy Quotes)
The pathway to enlightenment is joyful. It may sound harsh. I suggest just the opposite. It is rather easy compared to the possibilities of staying in pain and illusion (Easy Quotes)
It’s very easy for us to be humble when no one else is around. There is no reason for us to demonstrate our superiority, because no one challenges it (Easy Quotes)
The idea is easy to understand. All of life is a dream. You have dreamed everything that you are and everything you are aware of (Easy Quotes)
The uncomfort zone is very important for us... To feel uncomfortable is important to strengthen your spirit. Like the samurai says, if you feel comfortable you must search for the discomfort, don’t look only for the easy way (Easy Quotes)
Life isn’t easy, life isn’t fair, when you get your chance, make sure you take it (Easy Quotes)
It’s quite easy to make a load of people laugh, it’s often a reflex action, but I think to make them cry is harder without manipulating them (Easy Quotes)
I guess I have no motivation to make an abstract painting, even if they sometimes read as abstract. I think, with abstraction, it’s easy to fall into a sort of pastiche (Easy Quotes)
As long as it’s not an easy, outdated stereotype and it comes from an interesting or emotionally driven place, then anyone can be made fun of (Easy Quotes)
The strange thing about writing is that it’s so easy to write a novel. It is really easy. But it’s getting there to the point where it’s easy that’s hard. The hard part is to get there (Easy Quotes)
Mostly I’ve just worked with actors and actresses that are fun and easy to talk to and had nothing but great experiences (Easy Quotes)