Eat Quotes

Text Quotes
When’s the last time you really thought about what you eat, how much you move throughout the day, whether or not you feel fantastic when you get up in the morning, and which shoes keep your feet comfortable? (Eat Quotes)
I’m the one who has to look in the mirror, and after a while it begins to eat at you (Eat Quotes)
The older I get, the more vegetables I eat. I can’t stress that more. Eating healthy really affects my work. You not only need to be physically prepared, but mentally and spiritually (Eat Quotes)
I maintain my inner beauty by trying to lead a balanced life in general. I try to eat healthy foods, but... that doesn’t mean I won’t treat myself now and then! I work out almost every day, which gives me more energy and helps me feel stronger. I also try to be a genuinely good person to the people around me (Eat Quotes)
Protein was the most valued ingredient 250 years ago: It was the rarest thing. Now the rarest thing we have is time: time to cook and time to eat (Eat Quotes)
I won’t eat anything I can’t spell or wouldn’t tread in (Eat Quotes)
I like to eat and the only thing I’ve ever been addicted to in my life is sugar (Eat Quotes)
I still like the relationship part of any story. You don’t want your character to figure everything out and then at the end of the day, go home and eat soup from a can by herself (Eat Quotes)
If you eat a lot of starchy foods, introduce a vegetable once a week, then twice a week, and then three times a week. Slowly fill your diet with new flavors. By the time you’re ready to let go of whatever it is you want to let go of, you’ve got a full menu (Eat Quotes)
I eat, sleep, and drink my character. It is my fantasy to go to another planet (Eat Quotes)
This world is divided roughly into three kinds of nations: those that spend lots of money to keep their weight down; those whose people eat to live; and those whose people don’t know where their next meal is coming from (Eat Quotes)
There are people in your life who’ve come and gone, they let you down and hurt your pride. Better put it all behind you, life goes on, you keep carrying that anger, it’ll eat you up inside (Eat Quotes)
In many places in the developed world, we eat or waste probably twice as many food calories as we really need. We’re wasteful of food. We ship all over the world. We’re now realizing that generating the energy to ship the food around the world is also ruining our climate (Eat Quotes)
I won’t eat veal, and my mum won’t eat lamb, because she thinks it’s a bit harsh to eat cute things (Eat Quotes)
Bulgarians eat tarator every single day in summer. They think of it as salad although we’d call it a soup. You can make it as thick or thin as you like depending on how much water you add. It’s very practical in summer because yogurt cools the body faster than water, but the water hydrates you (Eat Quotes)
A good restaurant just makes me giddy. I can go all day with anticipation just knowing where I’m going to eat. Sometimes it’s well planned, sometimes it’s spontaneous. Either way works (Eat Quotes)
Desires collide; the wish to eat bumping up against the wish to be thin, the desire to indulge conflicting with the injunction to restrain. Small wonder food makes a woman nervous (Eat Quotes)
Do you eat decayed food? No. Well, don’t feed your mind with decayed books. Be as careful with the nutrition of your mind as you are with the nutrition of your body (Eat Quotes)
It’s so much easier just to eat and work out than not eat and work out like crazy (Eat Quotes)
I don’t have any particular thing I do ritualistically. I do the same thing every day. I get up. Drink a lot of water. Have a wheatgrass shot. Drink some green juice. Eat as healthy as I can (Eat Quotes)
In the hospital, I promised myself that I ever walked again, that I would eat well and swim every day (Eat Quotes)
I don’t drink milk, and I don’t eat bread, pasta or rice. But I eat a lot of meat, chicken, fish and salads (Eat Quotes)
I’m a very, very healthy eater. I eat lots of fish, lots of vegetables, lots of fruit. I don’t eat junk food (Eat Quotes)
It’s the old adage: You can make a pizza so cheap, nobody will eat it. You can make an airline so cheap, nobody will fly it (Eat Quotes)
I have a lot of fruit trees and my own little vegetable garden and chickens. And every time I eat, I bless my food; I say I’m grateful for for it and let it nourish every part of my body (Eat Quotes)
The chocolate and crisps come in at times. You have to allow the little things that make you happy. I’m not extreme about what I eat (Eat Quotes)
Decide in your heart of hearts what really excites and challenges you, and start moving your life in that direction. Every decision you make, from what you eat to what you do with your time tonight, turns you into who you are tomorrow, and the day after that. Look at who you want to be, and start sculpting yourself into that person. You may not get exactly where you thought you’d be, but you will be doing things that suit you in a profession you believe in. Don’t let life randomly kick you into the adult you don’t want to become (Eat Quotes)
I eat foods such as fish, chicken, fruit and vegetables while avoiding red meat, dairy and wheat (Eat Quotes)
It’s taken a while, but I’ve finally grown up and got my head around the fact that the healthier the food you eat is and the more exercise you do, the lighter you’ll be. It really is that simple (Eat Quotes)
Because love encompasses everything, nothing is unimportant, including tonight’s dinner menu. Think about it for a minute. If you were pure love, the loving parent of all life, how would you want people to eat? (Eat Quotes)